Helping dad Day 8

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Noir the cat stayed and dad is spinning in his chair. Namie is still in the hospital. "Aya I am going out don't follow me ok." my stomach growled.

"I want noodles." I say as I pick up noir.

"Okay." Dad shrugs and he starts to walk out.

I am out outside a store. people are singing! "Hurry up Aya!" I run over to my dad and hug his arm. I could see a few people whispering and taking pictures. I could see my daddy had some plans for these people.

He winked at some teen girls. 💢 I hit my dad with my arm. Izaya pushes me, "See that Man over there make him chase you." "Aye!" I run over to a guy with blue sun glasses and a bar tending suit. "HeyHeyHeyheyheyhey youyouyouyouheyhey!" I tug on they guys vest.
He looks at me there's a vain piping out. "What!" he scowls.

"Hi." I run away.

I run over where dad was but I can't see him. I could hear a loud stomping like a stampede coming from behide me. 'That guy?' I thought jumping up to the street light. (Yes she can jump that high) I sit on it and look down.

That guy dad told me to get me to chase was Meh. "Helloooo!" I wave.

Next thing i no the the tears up the light pole! 'Javla!'

I fall on a car. "I am not paying for that." I mutter Dad comes out and laughs so hard and points his knife to that guy I pissed off.

"Hey Izaya I am CarrrAzy!" (did I really just do this?...ugh!)
I jump up and down on the car. He Rolled his eyes at me and looks back at the blond guy and starts to smart talk. The owner on the car is yelling at me to get off is car and demands to know where my Mom was.

I jump of the car. "I don't got a mommy." I laugh and run away For some reason it hurt when I said that.

When I got home I got on dad's computer and played some games. Like......Unfair Mario! (45 minutes of playing) "HELLL FU-" I see dad come in "Ffffugee...yes that~" I got back to play my game "Have you been watching that stupid Swedish man?"
"Pewdiepie is Not stupid he teaches me.....nevermind." Dad spins the chair around I was just a bout to jump!(in the game) I hear the sound of me dying for the 266 time! 😞

"Teaches u what?"
"Rumpa!" I point at his face (Rumpa = butt) aka Aya called her dad butt face.
"Go take a bath." Dad tells me "Aye!" I say

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