Let me go!

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I got off the van. Ben took me by the hand and put a pulse bracket on me. It takes my power away. His men took all my weapons too. How rude!

"There he is,the one in talking to those girls." I am now in the side walk. Wow my dad is very handsome and young.

"....daddy...." I smile, ripping my hand from Ben's grasp I run. I don't even make it to the road before the pulse makes me jolt in pain.

"Hehheh, I said you could see him not hug him your dad is 21. I don't think he wants to have you just show up." Ben points at my dad; he just made 3 girls cry. Is my dad mean?

"No let me GO! I want to hug my DAD!" I sob the pulse shocks me "DAD!" I cry kicking pulse shocked me again!

"Throw her in the van and shut her UP!" Ben screams at his men.

His men use the machine at full power making me fall into a deep slumber.

I would not see my dad again for 2 more years.

[2 years later]

I have escaped Ben I have papers so I can stay with my dad all I have to do is find him! A 9 year old walking alone in shinji- whatever it's called brought a lot of attention to a Ton of people which I really didn't want because Ben could find me.

Getting the fake papers wasn't very hard but, getting away from the warehouse that was difficult.

School, I wonder if going to school would be any fun. Ben let me watch Kid shows on his phone sometimes. School looked like hard work, but a lot of fun too. As I wall along a familiar coat catches my eye. I think I see my dad Izaya he talking to 3 teenagers. He's wearing a v-neck T-shirt and a black fur coat!

I slowly follow him. 'Aya Orihara that has a nice ring to it!' I think to myself. Let's go meet dad!

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