2 years

254 5 1

"You touch me again I will not kill those pests!" I punch josh.
"Okay Ayaaaaa~ see you." Josh blows a kiss to me and leaves my room. Eww he's 21 I am 11 why can't he just leave me alone! I want out! life got a bit Easier for me. But it's been two years I doubt my dad found that note I left for him.

<4 weeks later>

I am to kill a few teens and then go back home. I walk to a baseball yard or whatever and I see they boys I am going to kill. I jump down but then 2 little girls come running to one of the boys.
"Brother lets go!" the girls said.
I walk past them and start getting shocked! It was worth it. Those girls will have a brother. But I can't tell you how much the shocks hurt. It was truly unbearable.

I heard gun shots. Josh he was killing all the guys to have me all to himself.😒. I hate that guy he's so stupid with all those guys he will get caught and I can escape now! 😄


"Ok um, Aya you go bring the drugs back here and then I will take you out!" I roll my eyes I could really careless about him taking me out to eat. But I still can't escape because her created the pulser. "4 hours." josh say and I jump out of the car.

I am barely half a block away when the van explodes! the pulser fell of my wrist I was FREE! I ran off I was far from Ikebukuro but I would be okay. I was time to find my dad. So I can be loved my someone!

A/N hey I was wondering if izaya should go out with someone so Aya can have a mother figure. Also if you didn't figure it out izaya made the van explode.

looking for my fatherWhere stories live. Discover now