Day 21 To kill again

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I was in the van a pulser on my wrist. My hands and legs are tied. There are 2 guys in the back watching me. At least they let me move around.😞

I look out the tinted windows and wished my dad missed me or cared. Did her ever care about me? Or was I just a burden to him?

I was told that I was going to kill this woman that had stole drugs from Bens associates. "What makes you think that I will kill again!" I laugh.
Josh there new leader yanked my hair,"Cause in 5 years You will get to have your freedom."

The guys laughed ,"In a few years you will be really pretty and a toy." They touched my arm I bite his hand. I got shocked.
"I want my own room no cameras no nothing then I will....kill again." I sigh. "Oh boss will be so happy and you did the right thing Aya." A guy said to be patting my head.

5 months later

( back in japan )

Today I had a easy job. To go in a hospital a steal drugs. "Ok Aya you have 4 hours then the pulser will turn on and you have to come back NOW GO!" Josh pushed me out. I worst nightmare was coming true. Before I went to a hospital I got my self ice cream and walked to dads.

I was at the door. I open the door Noir was still here she rubbed herself on my leg. I sit on dad's chair. I rub my eye and start to draw a picture if me and my dad with my cat. when I finished I wrote a note at the back. ( by now Vision was blurry because of the tears)

I wrote~

Hi Daddy or should I say Izaya? Was I burden to you? Do you hate me? I love you a lot I am going to miss you Bens friends have me now. In 5 years I will get out. By then I would have been molested tutored and raped. By then you would have forgotten me and I might forget you. ☺️ It's ok.

Oh one last thing I wanted to ask you, What's the best thing that ever happened to you?

P.s Save me, please daddy.

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