Day 2

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"Ok,Izaya the blood test shows you are the father." Shinra waves dad over

"See." I Giggle My dad looks depressed.


"Awww your so cute!" shinra smiles.

Dad is trying to get me off. he sighs. "So Izaya what's her name?" "Aya!" We both say.

"Dad!" I run over to him.

"Don't call me that." I look at him he gets up walks over to the door puts on his coat and walks out.
I run after him,"Aya go back I am going to work." He strutted down the street "You remember my name!" I hug his arm.

Dad was talking to celty his currier. I was sitting a few feet away from them. "Aaaya..hows my child soldier?" 'BEN!'

"Leave.Me.Alone!" I turn around Ben had a pulser in his hand. He smirked and was spinning it around on his finger. He was getting closer to me I kept crawling back. "AhhhOw!" Ben screamed.
I fire kick him and hide behind my dad. "Ben,I heard about you aren't you supposed to be in China also your a wanted man." dad chuckles.

"I could get a pretty penny for turning you in." My dad looks evil So cool!

I am watching T.V when a horror movie comes out called. 'Don't die now'

Izaya was cooking for me. Yay!

"Daddy can we go watch Don't die Now?" I yell

"What's it rated and No!"

"What Whyyyyyyyyyyyy Daddy come on!" I whine.

"Father please." I say before falling off the couch I see a knife dig in to the floor right by my Hand! 😱

looking for my fatherWhere stories live. Discover now