Day 13

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I was dizzy all the time now and when it was hot out I was cold. (Onetime I had these symptoms it was so bad I was having an anxiety attack it was bad!)
I was at a high school. Not to learn although the teachers that I was stupid so they told me to do work sheets. I would just mouth off to them.

It was fun.

I was kicking the desk in front of me no one sat there so no want to tell me to stop. "Stop it now girl or I will call your mother!" The teacher yelled.

I smile like my dad does,"Do it Do it,do it do it,do it do IT!" I laugh like a maniac.
"Go outside!" The teacher snaps I now and skip out of the room into the hall way. I run to the yard but I feel dizzy. After having a coughing fit I walk out of the school grounds. I keep coughing I pull out my phone.

I stare at it no way I will call my dad I will just get in trouble. I shiver it was so cold! "Why can't you stay in school like a good kid." my dad walks to me.
"I am cold." I say "Cold? it's 88 degrees how are you cold?"

I cough again.
I am laying on the sofa coughing then I feel numb. I poke my leg I didn't feel it. "Daddy....." Dad wasn't answering me.

"What?" dad responds. "I can't feel my legs and my head hurts. "Shut up you stupid brat you get what you deserve!" Yells Namie.
I got mad I jump over the sofa and puncher with a flame fist in the hip. "Shut up Y-yahiri."
I see my dad's face cold emotion less but when I started to fall he looked worried but only for a moment. My head throb as I hit the cold floor.

A painful sting woke me up. I see a guy with glasses staring at my blood. I still felt dizzy. "Shinra,shes awake." It was dad's voice.
"Izaya why don't you say, Oh Shinra my daughter Aya is awake or something like that."
Dad just smiles does my dad really not want me? "Here Aya this bluebottle is for your anxiety this red bottle is for your headache and any other symptoms take them all until they're done." Shinra gets up and leaves.

The door closed and there was a awkward silence. ---------------

I cursed in Chinese. "Don't make up words." Dad tells me then sits down on the other side of the sofa.
"Hetalia!" "America is cool!" I yell.
"Uhhh what?" my dad was so confused. "It's cause your old that's why you don't get it." I explain.

"I don't care if you bag on my age I am only 23,Aya." My cat jumps on my leg.

"Poor daddy your old." Dad flips open his knife,"Do you want to die young?!" I got fire in my hand, "BRING IT OLD MAN!" I yell.

I hear the door be slammed open,"IZAYAAA I am getting framed by that stupid Kid-." The guy I pissed of said then he looked at me.
"What the hell are you doing here!" He screams.
"I live here." I say flatly.
"For now." Dad adds. "What did you do to her Izaya!" He steps closer to me

" Nothing, really." Dad smirks

"Like father like daughter." I murmur. "What?!" yelled Shizu-chan :3

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