31 days

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I tap his arm. He looks around then looks down at me. "Hi!" I smile

Dad turns around and starts talking to the teens again. I start to follow him I am skipping and doing front flips to have fun. "Um...kid a word of advice don't talk to this guy, you could get hurt." he Looks at my dad Who just smiles. "Izaya are you busy right now?" I ask "Yeah...could you leave." he smiles "No." I flip my hair to the side

I stated distance from my dad. then when he finally left those teens alone I started to follow him a little bit closer all the way to his house.

Dad presses a button so the elevator will come down. "So can we talk now?" I ask him he was started by me and dances around a bit. "Cool dance what's it called?" I laugh "What the hell are you doing here!" He yells "That's a long title I get in the elevator with him.

He looks annoyed,"Okay kid what do you want?" he sighs

I pull out some papers and give it to him. daddy read them real quick.

(The paper was saying how he was my dad the other one saying how my mom was in jail [even though she's dead] and how he has full custody of me that my mom can't go anywhere near me or a month. And how he had to take care of me for the whole month)

"1 month that's it after that I am done." he looks at me serious

"Yay!" I laugh and hug his arm

He shakes me off. (After 9 years of never holding my dad I am reunited!😄✨💕)

"What's this, Izaya I thought you hated kids." Some lady says with a ton of sarcasm in her voice dad gives her a glare,"I don't have to tell you anything Namie." dad says "Tuna?" I poke some food "Go ahead and have it I don't want any." Izaya says I chop down on it.

"No wait kid!" Namie screams the room starts to glow in different types of color first blue then green and then a mixture of red and blue. "..... Pretty...."

"Namie did you try to poison me again?!" I see stars and unicorns all over the room so I started chasing what appeared to be unicorn.

After a brief chase of the unicorn I passed out.

looking for my fatherWhere stories live. Discover now