Day 18

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I drop my stuff in a chair. I was at my new home. 😞 As soon as I got there I called him and told him a had a lost a tooth. He hanged up on me. 😒 I laid down on the floor, "MY DAD HATES ME!!!" I groan "The dullahan looked at me and shrugged.

2 Days past

I started to go on missions with Celty and her husband.
"Making my way downtown walking fast!" I sing.
Celty drives faster. I laugh hard my arm hurt and I was thrown off the motorcycle. It was to fast I couldn't fly. "Ack!" I spit out blood when I hit a window.

'What hit me?' I look to my leg, IT was being crushed by a LIGHT POST! "IZAYAAAA!" I hear someone scream from far away.
I laugh and lift up the light post and stand up. It still hurts.
"My favorite assassin I have finally found you." I heard behind me.
But I didn't see who said it because I was surrounded by bystanders. I fire teleport away was that bens 1st guy? I run away. I got back to Celtys it was really quiet my medicine was on the table I took the pills. Then something cold went on my wrist. 'Pulser?!' And it shocked me to paralyze me and I was tied up and thrown in a white van. "Poor kid your going to Kill again. But this time it will be for your freedom." Guy tells me I was still paralyzed but small tears formed. I was going back. 😞💦

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