Nice to see you

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"Ok just open the door and go in your dad is waiting for you." I hesitantly open the door and walk in. I started to hate my dad but could never really stopped loving him either.

I close the door and see him in the kitchen. "Hello Aya." smiles dad and closes the fridge

It had my picture that I drew for my ad 2 years ago.


Izaya went out to do what ever. Noir and I are watching TV. I just want to look at the back of my drawing. I re read what I wrote and at the end I asked my dad what was the best thing that ever happened to him. 'The best thing that ever happened to me? It was You Aya.' I close my eyes I just noticed that I was crying. P.s Save me. my dad wrote 'Sure.'. The door opened izaya come back with take out.

I run over to him,"Whats the best thing that ever happened to you?" I smile and run over to My Dad


I hope you liked my story should I make a after story to this? comment Yes if I should ok see you later Friends!

looking for my fatherWhere stories live. Discover now