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Hey guuuys
This year was a crazy but an amazing year but also a really sad year. I lost people but also met a lot of amazing new people. Some of them i did meet and others not yet but im sure i will in the future💖 i did get to know new bands and youtubes who made this year amazayn! I cried loads cuz i lost some persons but they will be forever in my heart💕 also had an amazing experions to be on stage and started to cover believe it or nah but i recorded some new covers for 2018😊🤗 being on stage was amazing! I really hope to do this more times being on stage cuz it gave me a really good feeling. Ofcourse i had my down moments but this was the first time since ages that there were people for me who helped me back up. I feeled back again more like the girl i really used to be and had an amazing time🙄 also my birthday was the most amazayn birthday i ever had loads of birthday wished and stuff and im really thank full for that💖 thank you all so so much for all the good things what you all bring me and i hope next year will be even better💕💕 loads of love from me xx

when i met him ft. hometownWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu