Part 5

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-Weiss Pov-

" Hey Weiss Cream," he says, and I freeze. The way he says it brings me back to the times he would call me that as a kid. Each and every time, I would act like I hated the nickname, and tried to come up with an insulting one for him. However, as time went on, I began to enjoy being called that more and more. Even when he moved away, I would dream and pretend that he came all the way back just to call me ' Weiss Cream' one more time.

I must have been stunned for some time, because he starts snapping his fingers in front of my eyes. " Uh, anybody home," he asks. Dazed, I blink my eyes several times and nod to his question. He removes his hand from my face, and then starts to smile. I try to put together an intelligent response to him, but can't.

" (y/n)," I manage to say eventually. " It's so good to see you again. Are you going to Beacon also?" Not the best thing I could have asked him, but it's like a ghost from my childhood is standing right in front of me. (y/n) doesn't seem to grasp how stunned I am, and simply laughs at my question.

I hated his laugh at first. It was so loud, and energetic, and he gave it for mostly anything. More than anything, it would annoy me when he could find the humor in situations that drove me insane. But, like him, it grew on me with time passing. I grew to enjoy teasing him, and then laughing and joking with him, trying to make him laugh. Much like his nickname for it, it's one of the things I missed the most. I would sit in the classroom, and someone would say something. And each time, I expected that same boisterous laughter to erupt from (y/n). But, each and every time my heart broke a little bit with the silence.

" No actually," he says as a response to my question, which brings me out of my trance. Sarcasm has always been one of his more annoying traits. But, after years of not seeing him, I welcome anything. " They just let me take a free tour around Beacon. What about you?"

Rolling my eyes, I do my best to retain my proper manner. " Of course I'm going to Beacon you dunce! I'll have you know with my talent, I had my pick between any of the combat academies." He nods, and then I give a small smile. Dropping my voice, I tell him, " And, it looks like I made the right choice also."

He gives me a really big smile. " Yeah, same." His face falls for a few seconds. " Hey, Weiss. Why did we....just stop being friends all of a sudden? Was it something I did? Something I said?" Seeing the hurt in his eyes shatters my heart a little bit. While he sometimes does his best not to show it, he has the biggest heart out of anyone I know, and when anyone hurts him, it drives me crazy, especially knowing it was me.

An announcement comes for all students to report to the auditorium, and I gesture for (y/n) to follow me. He does, and then picks up some of my bags. I smile at him, and decide to give him the explanation he must have waited years for. " When we were in elementary school, my older sister Winter was still set to become the heiress, so he paid me less attention, and did less to regulate my actions. Of course, he made sure I was on a good path. But he figured the public eye would largely stay away from me."

(y/n) nods, and asks me to continue. I take a deep breath, before doing so. " But, when we had just gotten into middle school, then Winter had chosen to go to Atlas. Because of that, father made it so I would inherit the family fortune. When he did, it also meant he groomed me for the public to see. It was then we made me cut ties with people he would not want the Schnee family to be associated with. He made me stop spending time with you because of that. And then he made me promise not to tell you why."

His face falls. " What did I do wrong to him," he asks, not sad, just confused. " Was I a bad friend? Or did I do something to offend him?" I shake my head quickly, and assure him it was nothing he did.

" My father just saw you as a simple brute," I tell him, and his face falls again. I know (y/n) has always been self-conscious of his reputation as simply being a fighter. I place my hands on his somewhat awkwardly, and smile at him. " But, that couldn't be further from the truth (y/n). He didn't know you like I did. I wanted...more than anything to let you know it wasn't my choice. But, he forbade me to. I'm so sorry."

" It wasn't your fault," he mutters, before rubbing one of his arms. " So, now that we're at Beacon, is it going to be like that still? Or can it be like when we were in elementary school and the start of sixth grade?"

" I'm here to try and change the reputation of the Schnee family," I tell him. He looks up at me, his ( eye color) eyes shining with hope. " And while my father has a long reach, Beacon isn't included in it. So, we can be friends again. That is...if you've forgiven me."

(y/n) nods quickly. " Of course I forgive you Weiss Cream," he says. A faint bit of pink touches my cheeks. " I'm just glad we're here together. I missed you." Nodding, I tell him I missed him as well, and try again to think of a nickname. However, being called ' Weiss Cream' makes me so...happy and warm inside in a way I can't explain.

He opens his arms for a hug, and I bury myself in them. Even after all these years, it has the same warmth and safety as always.

The princess and the fighter ( Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now