Part 20

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-Your Pov-

When Blake storms out of the room, Weiss scoffs. " Well, look at that. An ex White Fang member, right under our noses. It disgusts me to think she's been with us the entire time. Just managed to slip past any and all security."

Gideon turns to her. " Would you shut the hell up? We need to go look for her. She isn't going to be safe by herself in the city at night." This just makes Weiss give a dry and humorless laugh. She turns to him, and crosses her arms.

" If faunas have to be as resourceful as you say, then she'll be fine. Besides, she has all the training of someone in the White Fang. It's a miracle she didn't kill any of us when she had the chance."

" Oh come on," says Gideon. " If she had wanted to, I promise you that you would be dead princess. There's no way Blake was still part of the White Fang when she got to Beacon. Maybe, she's just here for a second chance."

Before the two of them can argue anymore, Yang and John step in the middle of the two of them. Fire and electricity shoot from the two of them respectively, and they shoot glares at their bickering team members. " ENOUGH," they say in unison. Their anger causes Gideon and Weiss to each take a step back.

" What is the matter with you Weiss," asks Yang, calming down slightly. " Blake is our friend. Even if she has been in the White Fang, we owe it to her to find and listen. She would do the same thing for any of us. So please Weiss, just help us."

Reluctantly, Weiss sighs, and agrees to look. She adds something about how it's only to see if Blake really was a part of the White Fang. Yang doesn't even bother to say something, just appreciate the concession. John turns to Gideon. " And you. Weiss has the right to have an opinion. Even if you don't agree, fighting with her won't help us. For now, we just need to find Blake."

He sighs, and then the two teams head into the city. Every so often, Weiss makes a passive aggressive comment, and then you turn to her. Everyone is getting angry with her, including the normally peaceful Leliana. " Weiss, walk with me," you tell her. She looks at you confused, but goes on with you anyways.

The two of you make a good distance from the teams, and she asks why you had her leave the rest of the group. You sigh. " Look, Weiss. I know why you don't like the White Fang. But, Gideon is right. If Blake was still with the White Fang, then she would have done something. And, she is your friend. You owe it to her to at least listen to her story."

Weiss sighs, and pulls you into a hug. You feel the tears filling her eyes. " It scares me to think she was part of the White Fang (y/n)," she admits. " All my life, I knew faunas were targeting my family, but I didn't meet any dangerous ones. Blake and Gideon could hurt me so much if they wanted too. The thought of them wanting too....scares me."

You wrap your arms around her, and rest your chin on her head. " It's going to be okay Weiss Cream, I promise. Blake and Gideon don't wanna hurt you. And if they do, then I'm going to defend you. Like I always did. I'm here for you Weiss Cream."

She holds the hug for a little while, and then pushes away. She wipes her eyes and then smiles at you. " Thank you (y/n). I knew I could count on you." With that, the two of you go to the rest of your team, and Weiss is more cooperative than ever, actively helping to find Blake. Eventually, the teams make their way down to the harbor, seeing the White Fang try to get away with tons of dust.

John throws his arms in the air when he sees Blake, and the monkey faunas from earlier. " Yes! We can finally fight the White Fang instead of each other!" Yang smirks at his antics, and the two of them become a force of nature, fire and electricity shining on the battlefield. Leliana smirks as well, and starts using her bow to help them, taking out White Fang members on Bullhead.

" Howl Zabimaru," you shout, lashing out the sword. Ruby dashes into the battle, and Gideon uses his arm canon and shotgun to fight the White Fang, and Weiss dashes around the battlefield like an elegant lady of war. Even now, she is so beautiful. A smile crosses your lips when you see the necklaces you bought her dangle from her neck, as she spins with her rapier, deflecting bullets.

Eventually though, you start panting, out of breath. John stands next to you, also tired. His Semblance lets him absorb damage and keep fighting, but even that has limits. Gideon sighs, when he empties the clip to see he's out of ammo. Team RWBY is also extremely tired, and Leliana turns to you. " Cover me the best you can," she says. Confused, you nod and then all go around her in a protective circle. She takes a deep breath, and begins to sing. You don't manage to hear most of what she says over the firefight, but her voice is beautiful. It fills you with energy, and determination to fight again. Rising to your feet, you grab Zabimaru.

" Ready guys," you say. They nod, and then you jump back into battle. Gideon smirks, and drops his shotgun. He turns into a mist of red smoke, and then floats throughout the battlefield. Every so often, he sends out pulses that send White Fang off their feet. As he stays in this form, you feel your aura levels gradually coming back to you. After some time, you manage to beat down the rest of the White Fang.

Gideon solidifies, and the eight of you are huddled into a circle, breathing heavily, and just exhausted. Weiss turns to Blake and Gideon. " Listen guys, I'm sorry about my outburst. Next time, I want to hear about something like that from you first."

Apologies are given all around, and it makes you smile. If anything, the eight of you are closer for it than ever before. John has his arm around Yang, and they help each other walk back to the dorm. Leliana sings for Ruby to restore some energy. Gideon talks with Blake about the White Fang, and they share a smile. Turning to Weiss, you offer her a hand. She takes it, but almost falls when she tries to stand up.

Smiling, you look at her almost lovingly. Even now, exhausted as she is, Weiss is so beautiful. Reaching for her, you pick her up bridal style. She struggles for a bit, before seeing what you want to do. Carrying her bridal style, you feel her fall asleep in your arms. Looking at her, you smile. " I love you Weiss Cream."

( let me know what you thought. Also, the red mist thing is Gideon's Semblance, the music restoring power is Leliana's. John's is like Yang's with electricity instead of fire. Haven't picked what the reader's is. let me know if you have anything you want to see. also, let me know what you think about the bombshell reader drops. too soon?)

The princess and the fighter ( Weiss Schnee x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now