Part 38

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-Yang Pov-

Waking up in the morning, I see John sitting on a desk in my dorm, with his laptop. He mumbles something incoherent to himself, and he has several tabs and windows open. I rub the sleep from my eyes to see what's happening, and then I wince when I see. The footage is all of me punching Mercury, seemingly in cold blood, despite the fact I would swear on my life he attacked me first. Some of the windows have the footage slowed down, while others play it in reverse, and others have it paused in different places. Bags have formed under his eyes, and several cups of empty coffee sit on the desk. It becomes clear to me right away that he's been doing this all night, or at least most of it after I fell asleep. Making my way to him, I wrap my arms around him, and kiss his forehead. " Good morning," he says, taking the time to pull me into a big hug. 

" Morning. Have you been up all night," I ask, and he waves his hand trying to dismiss it as unimportant. " I'm serious John. How long have you been up? How much sleep did you get?" Sheepishly, he raises two fingers. " You only got two hours of sleep?!"

"Two minutes of sleep," he mutters, which makes me want to smack him. " But, I made a lot of progress Yang. I've been looking at this all night, and I think I can figure this out. I have the rest of my team working this as well, and we're working hard to prove your innocence."

I wipe some tears from my eyes, and then he pulls me into a really tight hug. " Why would you go so far for me," I murmur into his chest, and he slowly starts to rub my back. 

" Because I love you," he says simply, that being the only reason he needs. " And, no matter how long it takes, the entire goddamned world is going to know my girlfriend is innocent. Plus, then I get the ultimate ' I told you so' with General Ironwood."

I manage a chuckle at his joke, and then sigh. " Ozpin gave me the day off to clear my head. Can we go back to cuddling? You need some sleep, and I want to be with at least one person who doesn't think I'm guilty."

When I say this, he makes his way over to the bed. I crawl into his arms, and John pulls me as close to him as he can manage. " We all believe you Yang," he says sleepily. " And we're going to figure this out. We're going to prove that you're innocent."

The thought of my innocence being proven makes me manage a smile. " Be here when I wake up," I ask, and I hear him promise it before he falls asleep. In time, I manage to fall asleep again, feeling safe in his arms, happy he believes me, and happy he's here with me. 

-Gideon Pov-

I walk with Velvet, going over the arena.We had to sneak past some Atlesian guards, but if John is right, then we can come closer to figuring this out. Using my enhanced sense, I try to sniff for blood, since John mentioned none was in the footage from when Yang punched Mercury. Velvet also mentioned having heard a 'cling' sound every time Mercury's legs collided with Ember Cilica. 

Velvet goes over some of the pictures she took of the fight for the yearbook, trying to find one that would confirm Mercury wasn't actually hurt, however all of them she has are before the punch in question, so we have nothing to go by there. " No blood," I say after a moment, standing up to my full height. " Though, that doesn't prove anything. It could just be that they cleaned the arena. Damn. Another dead end. I just hope that everyone else is having better luck."

Velvet pulls me into a hug. " It's going to be okay," she assures me. " Yang is innocent, and we're going to prove it. Let's make one more pass through here, before we take a break. We need to help her, and we can't do that if we're too stressed."

" Thank you Vel," I mutter, and I feel her hand lace around mine, and she gives a soft squeeze. " And, I'm sorry. I know this isn't exactly the best way for us to spend time together. Especially since we haven't been on any dates, or anything yet."

She surprises me with a kiss to the cheek. " I just know what it's like to be wrongly blamed for something," she says. " I never want anyone to go through that, and besides, Yang is your friend. You're going to prove her innocence, and I want to help."

Oum, I'm lucky I managed to get with her. With that in mind, she offers her hand, and the two of us walk down to take a small break for the day, and maybe go on our first official date. 

-Leliana pov-

" Come on Juane," I say, a little bit more forcefully this time. " I need to talk to Phyrra. Maybe she noticed something odd about Mercury when the two of them had their spar in class, something which might help me prove that Yang is innocent."

He just holds up his hands. " I can't! For one, Nora is going to literally break my legs if I go in there The two of them are doing some sort of routine to get Phyrra hyped up for her singles match. I don't want to distract her before such a big match."

I try to put away the doubt in my mind when he mentions Phyrra, and how often he mentions Phyrra. I get that she's his best friend, but I don't bring up Gideon in every conversation with him. But, I roll my eyes and go back to focusing on the task at hand. " Okay," he says. " After the match, I promise I'll have Phyrra talk to you. But, she needs to be ready for her match. Ok," he asks, opening his arms. I go in for a hug, and murmur that it's okay, and doing my best to silence the protest from my mind. 

-Your Pov-

You sit with Weiss in the communications tower, and the two of you use her Schnee connections to start watching official footage of the match. " Damn it," you mutter after awhile. " I've watched this like twenty times, and found no proof of anything. If I don't figure this out soon, my next option is setting Mercury on fire until he tells me what he did."

Weiss places an arm on your shoulder. " That isn't going to help anyone," she says calmly. " Yang is my friend also, and we're going to figure this out. But, getting angry isn't going to help. We have to do this the right way."

" I know,"you say smiling, and letting her rest your head in her chest. She starts to play with your hair, and you let out a sigh. " I really do wanna set him on fire though," you tell her, which makes her chuckle softly, before taking a curious look on her face. 

" Would you be doing this much to prove my innocence," she asks, and then you pull her in for a kiss before she can continue, before her insecurities can surface. 

" Of course Weiss Cream. I'd do all this and more." She smiles when you say this, and then assures you she would do the same. 

" Well, let's get back to work then," she says, and then smiles. " Or, I may just forget to stop you from setting Mercury on fire."

( let me know what you thought, just wanted a chapter of your team and their s/o trying to figure everything out.)

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