Sarcasm, The Argument and a Plan

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Error was having a great day. First, he destroyed two new AU's and had a fight with Inky. Then in his rush to leave, he accidentally went to Nightmares realm, somehow started an argument and got attacked by him and his team. To top it off, the voices from the anti-void were very loud and harsh today. Oh yeah, and his ribs and his right humerus were now severely damaged from his fight and he had no healing items. Ha, as if he ever had any in the first place. So yeah, it was a great day today.

Eh... more like something he goes through every day. Only today was great.

Error's POV (Third Person POV)

Error was busy using some cloth he knitted as a makeshift bandage to help heal his broken bones. He'd give it a day before he would be able to destroy another AU. Error cursed himself. If he didn't accidentally teleport to Nightmares realm and get into a scuffle, then his wounds wouldn't be as severe. Not to mention the voices wouldn't be insulting him as much as they were now.

You are useless

If you didn't go to Nightmares realm you would be able to destroy AU's by now...

Honestly no wonder your so called friends attacked you. No one else in this multiverse would even step foot in Nightmares territory! You are an idiot! Do you want to let the balance get out of hand?!

Do you have a death wish?

Go do this multiverse a favor and go kill yourself! No one would care if you died.

Error learned to tune them out, but he did listen once in a while and wondered if they were ever right. Ink and his friends and allies don't seem to care about this multiverse so why should he? At least he knew he had some friends in this hell.

UnderSwap Sans, also known as Blueberry or Blue for short, is just a nice monster in general so he obviously wants to befriend someone who's different. Even though Error destroyed his AU once and took him to the Anti Void. He still feels bad about it. But then there's AfterTale Sans, also known as Geno. Error still has no clue why Geno was willing to befriend him. Especially since he was the destroyer of the AU's. But he remained friendly to him and that baffled him. Maybe it's because he understands what it's like to truly be alone because he lived alone in the save screen. But Frisk ended up joining Geno in the save screen and was no longer alone. Though Error noticed they weren't really that close as the two would always exchange glares when he visited.

Now that he thought about it, Error hasn't visited them recently because of... "reasons". He no longer visited Blue because of UnderSwap Papyrus also known as Stretch. Stretch tolerated Error when he came to visit and soon came to like him. But soon, Stretch threatened him and Error, not wanting to put Blue in any sort of danger, left. He didn't really understand why Stretch ended up pushing him away. Ink probably told him lies to get Error away from Blue. So he left. He stopped visiting Geno because ReaperTale Sans, also known as Death, took a liking to Geno and his visits to him were completely random. Error, not wanting to put Geno in any hot water with the other AU Sanses, stopped visiting. He hoped neither of them hated him now because he couldn't visit.

Speak the devil's name and he'll come runnin.

"Error we need to talk."

Error snapped out of his thoughts and wrapped his scarf around him out of weariness and slight irritation.

"WhaT DO yOU WAnt to TalK abOUt SHorTy?"

Error was a little pissed that this dickhead had the audacity to walk in here like he owned the place. Ink grew annoyed.

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