The Nineties Parasite

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(I know, I know, I am late. This chapter was hard to write. Fuck lingo!)

{I don't own the picture(if it shows up anyway...)}

Error's POV

So originally I was going to spar with Radix, but the sudden frantic appearance of Paint threw that idea out the window. He looked panicked and out of breath. Radix quickly ran over to him and they both started talking in hushed tones. I only caught a couple of words.

"Virus.... Wal... at... ale?! Di... Fre... e ali..."

Yeah, that's all I heard.

"Hey, Error!"

Radix yelled. I walked over to him with my hands in my pocket not too interested. At least not until I felt the code shift. That's when I realized that something was wrong with one of the AU's.

"WhAt the hEll is going oN? The coDe is glitChinG out of exiStence."

Paint shook his head as if he just heard someone whisper to him something he was not pleased about. Was it me?

"I have never told you this Error, but one of our AU's have been under quarantine for a very long time now."

"WhaT AU is it? SPill PainT."

"Fresh!Tale. That AU is infected with a parasite that would have destroyed this multiverse if I didn't quarantine it."

"How the heLl is it quArantineD?"

"I created a firewall. A very sophisticated firewall."

"And the virus is ABout to bReaK out?"

"It's a freaking parasite and yes it is breaking out!"

Paint snapped. He must be very stressed to get this pissed off. But that is the least of my worries. THERE IS A FUCKING NINETIES TRASH THAT MIGHT GET ON THE LOOSE! Dealing with Fresh from my multiverse is hard enough and I don't want to have to worry about another version of him.

"Holy shit Paint calm down."

Radix grumbled, completely unaware of my silent panic. Radix rubbed the back of his "neck" uneasily and sighed.

"Error I know I am asking for a lot, but can yo-"

"Destroy the nInetiEs traSh and it's AU? Hell yeAh!"

Radix looked a little offended and I sheepishly smiled.

"SorRy, MysElf and FresH don'T get alOng very well. Didn't meAn to offend you, buddY."

"It's fine. Just kill him quickly... please."

Radix quickly walked away, looking at the ground while his hands remained in his pockets. Paint sighed.

"Don't mind him. Fresh was a really good friend and he helped me close off his AU to keep us all safe. Good luck and don't underestimate him. He was one of the most strongest Sanses here."

"I wilL."

Why in Void's name would I underestimate him? The first time I met Fresh was practically a disaster waiting to happen. Thankfully it remained under control. I remember that day as if it happened yesterday.


Coming back from destroying the twentieth AU this week and barely avoiding Inky was like running a marathon unfit. I am tired, but I know my energy will come back super quick and the voices in my head will tell me to get off my lazy ass. Their quite quiet today. To quiet. Whatever, I ain't complaining.

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