Old Friend Old Enemy

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Error's POV

When I got back to the Abyss, I noticed two things. Reverie and Bane were noticeably missing and Paint was currently creating art and bringing them to life with his paint brush. I thought he couldn't do that.

"HeY Paint."

Paint looked up with a happy smile on his face.

"Hey Error. I take it you talked to everyone here?"


I rolled my eyes while he snickered.

"So PaINt. I didn'T knoW you cOuld bring yoUr art to life and where did Reverie and Bane go?"

He looked up at me surprised.

"They left. Said something about taking care of a big problem in the Dreamscape. Also yes I can bring things to life, but I have restrictions. I can't created AU's and I can't really mess around with them without huge consequences so I just create minor stuff in the Abyss for fun."

Thank god. And why would Reverie and Bane just up and leave so quickly?

"Oh. OkAy then. Do yOu know what Reverie and Bane are doing?"

Paint shook his head.

"No clue. It is really odd because they never go to the Dreamscape at the same time unless it's urgent.

"Thanks I gueSs. I'll sEe you around."

He smiled at me before returning back to his work. I walked towards the house. I wonder what Radix is up to right now?

Two Hours Later...

So here I was, minding my own business and talking with Radix, Cosmo and Reaper when out of nowhere Reverie appeared just outside of the forest. That's when I noticed he wasn't alone.


Out of every monster he could of brought, it had to be this monster... Well shit.

A Week After Error's Death...

Nightmare's POV

It's been a week since Error died, and my group still hasn't recovered. Geno and Berry, my newest recruits, have managed to fit in with my group of murderers. The others are finally relaxing around them. Mostly Geno though because Berry impaled his brother in front of everyone and the team seems to admire and fear that. According to Cross, Ink did visit Error's Anti Void recently and he found out Error's strings are still up. I don't think Ink knows this but if Error really did die, his strings would have vanished or slowly started deteriorating a long time ago. So if Error is still alive, I will need... help to find him. There is a way to communicate with others in the Dreamscape but I don't think Error is in this multiverse so I have no choice but to ask Dream for help. I don't want to, but i would rather get Error back with Dream's help then watch my multiverse slowly deteriorate from the unbalance. Cross is my best spy and he seems to have the ability to find others quickly.


"What do you need?"




"Your not Death. I don't think it's possible."


"Fine. But I want an explanation when you get what you want."

Cross's POV

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