Revelation and Healing

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Radix's POV

"So let me get this straight."

I looked at Error with disbelief.

"You are the Multiverse God of Destruction and your counterpart is Ink."


"You overwork yourself and you are forced to take innocent lives because Ink goes to far."

"soUNDs aBOut riGhT."

"Most of your friends are all of the villains in the multiverse and your other friends are a different version of Swap and someone you call Geno."

"uH Huh."

"And you fell into the Void during a confrontation with Ink."

"yoU gOT ThIS on yOUr fIRst trY And GOt everYThiNG RIgHt. i'M ImprEssED."

"So you basically had a rough past."

"ItS FiNE. yoU Don'T hAvE TO worRy abOUt mE."

Poor Error. I can't believe he had to go through all of that. I wonder how sane he is?

"Hey Error?"


"I don't want to offend you or anything, but are you... Sane?"

"wOW. tHAt's a FIrsT. I tHInk I aM iN BetwEen. I hAVe sOMe... ePISodeS. But otHEr thEN ThaT i Am sAnE. I thInK."

"So you won't kill anyone here?"

"As loNg As yOu doN'T piSs mE OfF, i prObABly wOn'T."

I touched his shoulder gently but that still made him tense up. I need to get him used to being touched again. I'm glad he is tolerating me, but I doubt he will act the same to the others after what Reverie pulled. He will definitely freak out if he meets Paint. I can already tell Error doesn't trust anyone, including me. At least he is trying. That's when I heard the door slam open downstairs.

"Sans! You have a visiter from one of those AU's you keep talking about!"

Uh oh. But I closed off my AU. How? The only Sans that can go to closed off AU's is Paint... Shit.

"I'm coming down Pap just give me a minute!"

I looked back at Error, who looked at me with slight panic.

"I thOUghT YOu cLOsED oFF YoUR AU?"

"I did. You should stay up here until whoever is here leaves."

"nAH. I'lL COme dOWn wiTH yOU."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"NoPE. buT I aM BOrED sO I wiLl tAKe a gAMblE aND hOPe it'S SomEOnE beSIdE REveRIe."

"FIne. Just... Just keep an open mind."

Error followed me downstairs, and just who I thought it was is here. Paint. Error stopped in his tracks.

Error's POV

I regret coming down now. Out of everyone who could have traveled here, it was another version of Ink. He even has the same paintbrush except its much smaller. He has that same black ink mark on his skull but this one seems bigger, and his eye resembles classics bad time eye except this one is a lighter shade of blue. He is wearing the exact same scarf as Ink except this one is a light tan color. He's wearing the same color hoodie as his eye with a brown sash across his chest that carry the exact same god damn paints that Ink uses. He also has a brown belt that carries extra paint around his waist that hold up his black baggy pants. His sneakers are white and blue with grey soles. What stopped me from attacking him on sight was that he has a soul, unlike Ink.

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