The Prank and Stuff

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Error's POV

It's been a while. At least I think it's been a while. The Abyss is exactly like the Anti Void with being able to tell time. I can't. The only reason I knew what time it was in the Anti Void was because of the 'windows' I created to watch AU's. It's not like I had anything better to do. After getting used to everyone here (and keeping an eye on Reverie), they decided to do a house tour and show me around. I originally wondered why everyone here hadn't killed each other over space because of its size. But I guess my shock from entering the place made everyone laugh at my reaction and I blushed from the embarrassment. This reminds me of why I should not assume something from what it looks like.

The house is small on the outside but it is bigger inside. It had everything I could think of including a library and lab. But there is no Science Sans in the code so I didn't understand why it was here until Edge noticed my confusion and told me Swap was in there a lot. The kitchen looked decked out with what I believe was everyone's favorites and the living room seemed to be the place to go to if I would want to chat with anyone in public. I didn't really care about any of this because I don't need to eat or sleep but Radix forces me to eat. Then Paint pointed at the gym and I grew excited from the thought of sparring with everyone here. Ink and the others became predictable over time so sparring with everyone here should be a challenge. I have high expectations for the difficulty of the Sanses who fight more often. Specifically Bane and his little group. I want to see how similar the tactics and attacks will be to my friends from my multiverse. That thought made me feel sad and I think Radix and Paint noticed. They've been around me long enough to tell if I really am happy or if I am faking it. I do feel home sick sometimes, even if it was a living Hell there.

The last place they showed me was the bedrooms, or what I like to call them the only fucking place here that I could be truly alone. Sure I kind of enjoy the company of others but I am used to being alone and the Anti Void gave me that privilege... Except when Ink always followed me when I really pissed him off... Oh yeah and those times when Fresh found ways to enter and tried to kill me... And I can't forget the thought of Creator watching my every movements either. So I am used to being alone and getting attacked from out of nowhere. That sounds more realistic. It is also the reason why I haven't slept in a long time. Being in the coma doesn't count. The bedrooms were located down a very long hallway on the second floor with most of the rooms vacant of any owner. Those rooms had faded or scratched out names on there doors. I already know that the multiverse creates AU's here and that there is no current Creator or Destroyer. But when I looked through the code when Radix or Paint wasn't around, I found traces of tampered code and even empty spots that were supposed to hold code. But it happened years ago. What happened? But besides that everything else is normal.

"You can have one of the empty rooms Error."

Swap knocked me out of my thoughts of this multiverses weird code. I looked around and choose the one next to Paint's and across from Radix's. Just because I might be staying here doesn't mean I am going to trust them so easily. But... I am bored and I want to drop a bomb. I turned around and grinned at everyone, even Radix and Paint were confused. I've never told them about it because they seem to worry about me enough.

"I doN't sleep. Never hAd to. Don't remember the last time I reaLly did fall asleep."

Their reactions were priceless. I just gave them a sad tired smile.

"I don't sleep because iN the past, enemies of mine and Nightmare's iNvaded the Anti Void to try to kill me. So to prevent getting stabbed in my sleEp I go into a trance instead. I cAN still have dreams or nightmares but I am still aware of my surroundings so if someone invaded I could quickly catch them off guard and kill them."

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