The Merge

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Errors POV

Classic stood next to Radix without a care in the world and Static stood motionless in the dark Void that made up everything around us. Radix stared at Static judgmentally when Static's pleas fell silent. No one spoke and I felt like nothing would continue if I did nothing.

"Static, I choose Static,"

I finally said. Both have their own pros and cons but here's the important thing.

As much as I don't trust Static, I know he's being truthful because I felt Ink gain power due to me being his opposite years ago. I never thought much about it but now that I know gods can merge with each other, it explains a lot. Ink wasn't to busy creating back then but then he went on a creative streak, forcing me to kill hundreds of thousands of AU's and it drove me crazy... literally. I'm afraid Ink foolishly went in blind and is now trapped. Without a doubt, he agreed to whatever insane deal Sketch offered him.

"Before I commit Static, please tell me what the hell is going on."


Static replied immediately. Radix didn't say anything but I could tell he was hurt that I choose a stranger over him. Classic just looked normal, as if I didn't just agree to merge with a god from a different multiverse.

"WeLl fIrSt Of AlL, iNk MeRgEd WiTh SkEtCh YeArS aGo, AnD wItHoUt A dOuBt, ThEiR pOwEr GrEw. YoU nEeD mE, wHeThEr Or NoT YoU tRuLy WaNt My HeLp. SkEtCh HaS bEeN pAtIeNtLy WaItInG fOr YoU tO gRoW wEaK, bUt YoU jUmPiNg InTo ThE vOid RuInEd HiS pLaN."

"Hold up,"

Classic interrupted.

"So you're telling me, that Ink isn't Ink yet he is Ink?"

"WeLl... ThAt'S oNe wAy To SaY iT i SuPpOsE. iNk Is StIlL hImSeLf BuT mOsT oF hIs AcTiOnS aRe InFlUeNcEd By sKeTcH, wHo StIlL iSn'T iN tOtAl CoNtRoL. dUe To iNk'S iNfLuEnCe AnD pOwEr OvEr MoSt Of ThE aU's, SkEtCh HaS gRoWn StRoNgEr ThAn Me. BuT eRrOr Is AnD aLwAyS wIlL bE StRoNgEr ThAn iNk AnD iF i MeRgE wItH eRrOr, We WiLl AlL bE eQuAlLy MaTcHeD."

"That's great and all, but you still destroyed the majority of our Multiverse so why should Error trust you."

Radix growled. Static chuckled darkly and smirked.

"wElL, rEmEmBeR tHiS rAdIx, eRrOr Is ThE dEsTrOyEr Of HiS mUlTiVeRsE aS wElL. So WhAt If He WaS fOrCeD? i DiDn'T wAnT tO eItHeR bUt I gOt HiT bY a ViRuS, lItErAlLy."

I shuddered, vividly remembering my fight with the parasite in Fresh!Tale's code.

"LEt's moVE On, plEasE."

I pleaded.


Static grumbled as he held out his hand.

"ARe YoU rEaDy?"

I hesitated before finally taking his hand.

"NoPe, but when will I eVer be?"

Dream's POV

"Fuck Ink! Fuck Fell! Fuck everyone!"

I snapped as I paced back and forth on my side of the Dreamscape. Nightmare must have felt my negative energy because he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I noticed he was in his passive form.

"What do you want?"

I growled as I continued to pace back and forth. My tone must have shocked him because he stopped in his tracks, seemingly flabbergasted.

"Damn Dream, what did skittle face do this time? And why are you mad at Fell?"

He managed to say after getting over his shock. I chuckled, amused that I finally caught him off guard.

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