The Final Chapter

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Error's POV

We talked for a bit. I gave him his brush back and he used some of his green paint to heal our cuts and breaks. We learned about each other and he quickly learned the truth about the Anti Void. I wanted to beat the shit out of Fate for giving Ink a fucking warning in the form of a whisper. Ink seemed to find my anger amusing, but I could tell he was angry too. Then he dropped a bombshell. He has a soul?

I never would have guessed that Ink had a soul. Don't get me wrong, he was soulless, but something happened that caused him to regain his soul, or at least, a part of it. Let me explain. A little while after our hug, Ink took off one of his ink vials and examined it. "Catch," Ink said, tossing the vile to my outstretched hand. I looked at the vile in my hand before giving Ink a look. "Look closer," he advised. I shrugged and took the vile and held it closer to my eye. To my shock, I could see a small piece of a monster soul infused with a human trait. I almost dropped it from shock.

"WheRe the hell did you gEt this?" I demanded, tossing the vile back to Ink. Ink shrugged and placed the vial back on his sash. "I don't know, but I know they all have a piece of my soul and the pieces are all infused with human soul traits. They ooze out unlimited ink for me to use too, so I no longer have to drink them to feel anything," Ink replied, picking up his bush.


A few hours of doing nothing later, Ink hesitantly looked over his shoulder and into the dark abyss. "I think we should try to find a way out of here and stop our world from tearing itself apart." "That's a wOnderful idea gEnius, please lead the Way," I replied in one of my more sarcastic tones. Ink introduced his hand to his face and sighed but before he could retort, I shushed him. "Just cHoose a direction thAt feels riGht."

Ink rolled his eyes and pointed behind me. "We can try that way," he muttered. Shrugging, I turned around and walked away. Ink shook his head and followed me.


"You would think that we would be there yet," Ink grumbled, dragging his feet. I took a deep breath and mentally went to my happy place. "You hAve no patience," I grumbled as Ink lagged behind. Sure he was shorter but he should have a shit ton of endurance from fighting me. "You have the endurance to fIght me for hours bUt you don't have the eNdurance to walk a few mileS?" I scoffed at his weakness. Ink rolled his eyes. "I'm flattered you think I am that strong, but most of my endurance comes from adrenaline," he admitted.

A few minutes of uncomfortable silence later, Ink hesitated. I noticed his hesitation. "Are you okAy?" I asked him. He shifted his weight and tightened his grip on his brush. "I sense both Fate and Destiny nearby," he warned. I growled my opinion of that and looked around warily. Ink pointed in a direction and I gestured toward him. "Lead tHe way geNius but if we die, it's your faulT." Ink rolled his eyes but took the lead anyway.


Ink noticed the bright light before I did. It was quite blinding too so how I missed it is beyond me. We both looked away to prevent permanent eye damage and headed towards it. Soon, we found the source. It was Destiny and Fate, but something was wrong with Destiny. His eyes were glazed and his movements were sluggish and they seemed forced. Void and Oblivion were also there. I also noticed they were talking.

"I hope Oblivion isn't becoming rebellious," I heard Fate growl. Void shrugged. "He's acting the same. It might be because I don't force him to destroy worlds like you make Destiny do," they replied calmly. I heard Fate mutter something under their breath but due to how far we were, I couldn't make it out.

"At least Destiny is behaving now," Fate replied. "I just thought I'd warn you since they were close before they turned." Void nodded while Oblivion uneasily shifted his weight. "Thank you for your warning Fate, but Oblivion is quite loyal and I trust him with my power." "Well don't say I didn't warn you," Fate grumbled. Void shrugged again but didn't argue. Instead, he turned to his second.

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