Nightmarish Reality

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 (I apologize in advancement for the shittiest puns in the multiverse... There shit.)

 Error looked at Ink, then he looked back at his two companions who gave him confused glances. Reverie gave Error the 'can we get the fuck out of here now?' look. Error shrugged while Ink stood a few feet away, confused as hell. Error nodded at Reverie who sighed with relief. His brother rolled his eyes at his younger siblings antics while keeping an eye on Ink, who seemed to be slowly inching towards the group. Thankfully Error also noticed because a glare in Ink's direction stopped him in his tracks.

"FucK thIs shIt, i'm oUt."

Error opened a portal for his two friends who jumped into it immediately but to Ink's surprise, Error didn't follow them. Instead he closed off the portal, leaving just the two of them in the somewhat empty Anti Void.

"I'm gOnna maKe this qUIck shorTy. How's thE multIvErse after mY deaTh?"

Ink ignored the insult.

"It's gone to Hell. AU's are being destroyed. Mass death. Do you know what's going on?"

"YeS. But beForE I tell yOu I want to kNow how my fRieNd's are doing."

"Uhhh... I don't know much about Nightmare and his friends. I also don't know if you are going to like this, but Blueberry and Geno joined Nightmare's team and Blueberry impaled his brother with bones."

Error perked up and grinned.

"DamN. I'm so prOud of theM and I wIsh I coULd of seen thAt. Ya kNow, Blueberry atTAckinG hiS broTher."

Ink decided not to mention how it happened.

"So now it's your turn. Tell me what the hell has been happening the past few weeks."

"Oh. It's sIMple InKy. The mulTiVErse isN't infInitE pal and i'M gonnA gueSs aftEr my deAth aU's startEd disapPearing. Me aNd yOu are thE Yin anD YanG of thIs multiVerSe sO if yOu destroy onE of thEm..."

"Then the balance becomes unbalanced and shit goes downhill from there."

Ink finished, finally realizing how unbalanced everything was now.

"Is it fixable?"

"YeS it iS If I aM willing tO heLp you pUll it ofF. But I would raTher stAy with my nOn abusIve frieNds and Your cloNe theN stay hErE."

"Clone? What?! Bu-"

"InK... TherE's anOther faCtoR too."

Ink gave Error a confused look.

"What is it?"

Error grinned and summoned his strings.

"i HaTe YoU!"

Error sent his strings after Ink and grabbed him by the neck. Ink instinctively grabbed at the strings around his neck trying to rip them off but in his panic dropped his brush. Thankfully for Ink, he wasn't human nor a monster and the choking feeling he was enduring will only feel very uncomfortable. Error calmly glanced at the struggling god and prepared an attack.

"InK... This cOuLd've aLl beeN pRevenTed buT yoU leT yOur creAtivIty cloUd your judGemEnt. I woUldn'T exiSt if it wasN't for yOu. I wOuld stIll havE mY famILy, mY AU, but yOu anD CrEaToR deStroyEd thaT."

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