Meeting Everyone Again And Having Issues P1

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 Error has been passed out for three days. The Sans that has been monitoring him is worried that he might have to get help outside of his AU. He didn't want the townsfolk in Snowdin knowing that there is a skeleton inside his house that looks similar to him. That's when the Sans noticed that the mystery skeleton was finally waking up after three days. Sans quickly texted the others that he was finally awake. But Sans got a surprise after coming back into the room. The skeleton is sitting up and what looked like to be glitching. Glitching? Sans decided to make his presence known.

Error's POV

I woke up on a couch with a blanket on me. I quickly sat up and groaned in pain as it looks like my injuries weren't healed yet. I looked around warily to see nothing, which was making me nervous as who would even think about being hospitable to the destroyer? No one. Except for Blueberry and Geno when I visit them in secret. My glitching was becoming worse as I thought about why I was here and who the hell was helping me. I couldn't even use magic right now as I am still drained from that attack. That's when I felt a presence walk into this room.


No ones POV

Error turned around to see a Sans that he has never seen before. He looked kinda like Classic, except he is a lot taller, almost as tall as Error. He is wearing a white shirt with a dark navy blue hoodie and the strings from the hoodie are a dark grey. He's wearing black sweatpants with two white lines. Kinda like Classic's except he is wearing shorts with one white stripe. This Sans is also wearing white and dark navy blue sneakers with white soles. Basically this Sans looks like the original, except this one looks a lot more serious but still seemed to be a joker and was was looking at Error with concern and friendliness. Pretty much making Error wonder how bored Ink was while he was in a coma.

Sans looked at Error and noticed how wary and somewhat fearful he was around him. Even after he greeted him. Sans made sure he had a relaxed posture to show he wasn't a threat. It wasn't working. So he decided to try a different approach. The other would be here soon.

"My names Sans, but I go by Radix around the others."

Error froze after hearing that there are others. He wanted to get out and to do that he would have to humor Radix for a bit.

"mY NAmE iS ErroR."

Radix was a little unsettled by this newcomers glitchy voice and Error could tell.

"I geT THaT REacTIoN a LoT, sO DOn'T feeL TOo baD."

"I'm sorry about that, it's just you kinda caught me off guard for a second."

Error was wondering what AU this could possibly be. RadixTale? Never heard of it.

"Is thIS RadIXtALe or sOME oTHeR AU I'vE neVEr heaRD of?

Radix was shocked that Error knew about the AU's. How did he know? He's never seen Error before.

"No. It's Under!Tale. Radix means a source or origin of something and I found that more interesting then something as stupid as classic or origin."

"YOuR MesSInG WItH ME RiGHt? oR iS InKy thIS stUPid to MAkE anOthEr verSIoN oF UNDerTalE?

"Who's Inky? No one around that goes by that name."

Error was baffled. How did Radix not know about Ink? Ink always introduced himself to the Sans of the new AU. Radix was confused and hoped that the others where coming soon.

"Hey Radix. Who's the newbie?"

Radix turned around to see another Sans. Radix was happy while Error was having a silent panic attack. He hoped he won't crash and have to reboot in front of them. But Radix caught his attention.

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