Concern, Monster Hunt, and Ambush

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Error was very concerned. Ink seemed to have disappeared into thin air. But to be honest, Error wasn't complaining. He's been on a record-destroying streak lately, at least annihilating four AU's a day. It's also been the first time Error could finally truly relax since he first started destroying AU's. But he was still concerned so he came up with three conclusions. Ink died somehow, he stopped creating, or he was planning something. 

Error knew Ink would never stop creating, so he started to wonder if Ink died fighting possibly Nightmare, Ink's only other enemy besides himself. It wouldn't hurt to ask. Also giving all the Chara's their own doll that he makes for them and sparing with them to improve their dodging and attacking was getting old. So Error steeled up his nerves and created a portal to Nightmare's realm.

Error's POV

I'll admit, entering Nightmares realm is always chilling. This place is meant to bring out your worst fears, but I have already faced or conquered all of mine. The only other fear I know I have left is the possibility of me failing my "job" or Ink going too far... and maybe being touched but that is beside the point! Now, I just don't care if it happens because Ink doesn't seem to care. So why should I care then? I immediately noticed that something was off. I teleported to Nightmare's castle and saw some Sanses patrolling the castle grounds. I recognized both of them as HorrorTale Sans and DustTale Sans. Horror and Dust. They seemed to be on edge and I knew I had to make my presence known as far away as possible to avoid any attacks. I came out into the open and just hoped for the best. I really didn't want to end up getting injured like the last time I waltzed in unannounced.

Horror noticed me first as he brought out his ax before Dust summoned any of his attacks. But they seemed to recognize me thankfully and Horror lowered his ax and Dust got rid of his attacks. I could tell they were both pretty disappointed that I was not an enemy. Boredom will do that to you. I cautiously went up to greet them because even though we were "friends", I knew both wouldn't feel bad about killing me at all. It was a friendship that even Ink once in a while questions when we fight. I never had an answer for him. I looked at Horror.



Dust wasn't talking. He was letting Horror do all the work. I think all the friendship we have is just a partnership. Because I'm pretty sure a friend wouldn't look at you like they were going to eat or kill you.

"HaVE yOu SEen NIgHTmARe?"

Horror shook his head.

"He's out."

"DOinG whAt?"

For the first time that I have ever seen or talked to Horror, he looked genuinely concerned. Dust was more stoic but I could tell he was worried too. This put me on edge.

"Looking for Cross and Killer, their missing."

Oh lovely. The only way I can talk to Nightmare is if I help him find his two missing teammates. Horror looked down at the floor. He and Killer were pretty close. Dust looked up at me hopefully.

"I think that Ink can sense monsters in any AU, but even though you're his opposite, can you do it too?"

Wow. I was shocked that he would come up with that. "The Bad Sanses" are not known as strategic thinkers all the time. We usually just wing it and hope for the best.

"I'M nOT eVEn surE tHat InKy hAS tHAt AbiLIty, buT I cAN TRy."

I focused on the code that creates a Sans in each AU and went through as many as I could at once. I knew Cross and Killer well enough to tell them apart from the other Sanses code. I would have done this with Ink but both of us exist outside of the code. He can create and fix it while I can mess around and destroy it. I was messing around and looking for any anomalies in each AU. This takes less than a second for each AU I do. Messing around with it is one thing, but erasing it is a totally different story. After a few minutes, I finally found them. Thankfully they didn't split up as it would have taken me much longer. They were in the original UnderSwap. What the hell were they doing there? I opened my eyes.

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