Meeting Everyone Again And Having Issues P2

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Banes POV

After Radix and Error left, I glared at Reverie.

"Smooth bro. Really fucking smooth."

Reverie just gave me a sad smile.


I introduced my hand to my face causing my friends to start laughing. Hysterically. Swap just glared at Reverie.

"I told you not to TOUCH HIM!"

Damn. Someone's angry. Swap is the most chill and outgoing Sans here besides Radix and Paint so seeing him angry means someone is going to get hurt. That someone is Reverie. Sure, I may 'love' him but he is an asshole. Complete opposite of what others may expect him to act like though it does give him an advantage in a fight. Monsters who have never met Reverie either die or get severely wounded if they say one bad thing about me or him. We may act like we hate eachother, but we still care about each other. I almost killed Static when he was about to give Reverie a fatal blow. We made up after that and we all live in peace now. Mostly. Someone always starts a fight and it angers Paint, the only Sans who was blessed by Sketch. To bad Static became corrupted and Sketch had to kill him. They were the protectors of this multiverse. One could repair broken code and the other could destroy unwanted viruses in the code. Neither of them could create or destroy AU's or I am pretty sure we would all be dead. We all lost something that day. But Swap suffered the most.

I watched Swap attack Reverie and I did nothing to stop it. I still hate him for eating all the golden apples off the tree. That forced me to quickly consume the dark apples off the tree to keep the balance. The darkness corrupted me but I managed to break it before Reverie almost died. But he isn't the bad guy. Both of us are the bad guys. Reverie had saved my life multiple times in the War as I did to him. The only reason the war was won was because me and my friends joined the 'good side' to Statics dismay. We were friends, but he became corrupted from a virus in the code or something like that. I don't remember what Sketch said. Static took his own life, killing Sketch in the process because of their bond. Thankfully Sketch prepared for the worst and took Paint under his wing and blessed him. Paint became the less powerful version of Sketch but without an opposite, Paint can't do anything without tipping the balance. We learned that the hard way when we lost Fresh!Tale. Fresh was super chill and funny, only acting like he was from the 90's in his AU. One day, a virus or parasite infected Fresh!Tales code and Sketch and Static were gone so it slowly spread. Paint didn't have enough experience at the time to help and we watched Fresh slowly lose himself as time went on. One day, he called an emergency meeting and begged Paint that if a destroyer was ever created then they could destroy his world to prevent the virus from spreading. We haven't seen him since. Paint has managed to contain it but it's only a matter of time before the virus escapes.

And that's where Error may come in to help. He literally looks exactly like Static, except for the different cloths and color's. I knew everyone was reminded of Static when we first met Error. That's why we didn't help. We were too cautious from the past to stop Reverie. Everyone probably regrets it. I tried to follow them but Radix closed off his AU. No one could get in now except for Paint... It wouldn't hurt anyone to ask.

"Wheres Paint?"

Reverie looked at me with a surprised look. Same with everyone else. I guess I shocked Swap enough to stop attacking Reverie. Anyone could answer but the question was directed to Reverie as he is the closest friend to Paint.

"I don't know. InkTale most likely. Should I go get him?"

I nodded and Reverie left leaving everyone here in silence. I don't think I have ever been in a more awkward silence situation and it was agitating. Reverie better hurry the fuck up before one of my friends attack someone because of the awkwardness... It wouldn't be a first.

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