32 | valentine

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A MONTHS HAD PASSED and I had already talked about the whole early graduating thing with my principal. He was pretty chill with the entire situation, explaining that my grades were already above average, and that there was a 100% guarantee that I will be graduating with flying colors, so I was going to be able to graduate early and have my diploma mailed to me at my new address in France.

It was the middle of February, a day before Valentine's day which I had forgotten because what's the point of remembering a stupid holiday. I was busy grabbing my books from my locker. About my whole "crush" thing, it definitely wasn't something that I expected to last this long—of course when it was with Wesley, that was brief, but this is lasting longer.

I was discreet though, I've always been discreet about my emotions, so it wasn't that difficult.

"Logan!" Of course there was the occasional jump of the heart, racing of the beat and sweating of the palms, but other than that, my face was kept quite neutral. I faced Daniel, who was approaching me. He was dressed quite casual today; a flannel over a black shirt and black jeans, Vans and a baseball cap on backwards. It was the smile on his face that made me almost smile at the sight.

I've been almost smiling at the sight of him when I realized my... interest.

"Hey, tomorrow's Valentine's day," he stated the obvious, earning an eye roll. "I know you don't believe in love and all—" Well then you came into her life and slowly changing- "—but do you want to, I don't know, go grab some Valentine's discount burgers at the diner?" He asked, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

A quick yes was caught at my throat, but I bit my tongue to keep me from being obvious and ruining my entire act. "I don't know, it's Tuesday and I was thinking of watching all the romantic movies when the love interest dies."

He laughed at that, his brows furrowed, "Why?"

"I'm kidding, I was planning on sleeping early tomorrow—like, right after school early," I told him.

"Oh come on, if we act like a couple at the diner, we get two meals at the price of one," he explained, lifting up his index finger. I stared at him, indicating that I wasn't convinced.

I was convinced, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I'll pay." And you'd expect me to jump the gun, to agree to whatever plan he had going on, but I didn't.

"No, I'll pay half of it when we're done eating."

"So you'll go?" With a roll of my eyes, I nodded and he smiled brightly, the damn butterflies fluttering in my stomach when he did so.

Gosh, don't you just hate crushes?

"Okay, maybe I have more planned for tomorrow than the lunch." Once I had gotten home, my phone buzzed in pocket, Daniel's name appearing on the screen, alongside a picture he had taken of himself as the background. I wasn't sure when he had taken it, but I didn't make a move to change it. It was kind of cute. "But tomorrow is the beginning of what I have planned."

"What more could you have planned, Daniel?" I asked, my tone sarcastic.

"Look... Logan, before I elaborate what I have planned just rememeber: it is not a date, I'm simply asking you to go to certain places with me because I feel like—as a friend—you deserve to be shown this amount of care... and stuff," he explained, "but I plan on asking you to go to certain places with me."

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