34 | labels

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WAKING UP MONDAY WAS odd. I woke up with a smile on my face, remembering the events of Saturday night. I even hummed in the shower. If my old self saw me now, she'd cringe to no end, claiming that how I was acting was completely unnecessary.

But that was the old me. I'm a different person now.

Daniel had come over yesterday, and we didn't talk about our not-date the entire day, instead, we had sat on the couch with a movie playing on the screen. He had his arm around my shoulders as I leaned against him, finding the warmth of his arms comfortable, and I actually felt content with the situation. Openly cuddling on the couch in my living room at ten in the morning and doing nothing but watching, eating and talking a bit.

Is this what liking someone that likes you back feels like? This is the first time for me to experience such feelings, and part of me is scared of the consequences, but the majority of me is too content to acknowledge said consequences.

"Aren't you in a better mood," my mom teased, offering me a plate of waffles. Marissa shared a laugh as she sipped her coffee, "Must still be thinking about her date with Daniel."

"It wasn't a date," I muttered, a small smile on my lips as I sliced a piece of the waffle. "It was a friend taking another friend to a carnival." I told them, not able to hide the heat rushing to my ears. I knew I should've let my hair down, but it was a surprisingly hot day today.

"You're blushing," my mom pointed out, "you told us you guys went out to eat, the carnival and that was it—you lied to me, didn't you?" I was quiet, but continued to eat, hoping I didn't have to talk. Maybe stuffing my face wasn't the greatest idea, because apparently, my mom could read me like a book.

Is mind-reading a part of being a lawyer?

"You guys kissed!" It wasn't a question, more like a statement before both Marissa and my mom shared a look, jumping to their feet and holding each other's hands, jumping up and down, whilst they sang 'Logan and Daniel sitting on a tree'. I couldn't believe that they are my moms, but luckily, I'd have to deal with their immaturity for two more months before—

Shit, Paris. I completely forgot about the move.

Shit, shit, shit. The panic must've moved from my mind and onto my face because my mom immediately stopped cheering, sending me a quick concerned look. "What's wrong, sweetie?" I shook my head, racking my brain for a quick lie.

"Just realized that this might be happening often—you know, you two embarrassing me," I muttered, covering my face with my hands as if embarrassed. I looked between the cracks of my fingers, noticing the two ladies sharing a look and rolling their eyes, following with my lie. "Okay, if you guys are going to keep embarrassing, I'm going to school." As if on cue, knocks sounded from my door and I grabbed my backpack, before swinging it open, revealing a very smiley Daniel.

"I thought I told you I was driving to school," I told him, trying to keep a straight face, but then his smile widened, revealing the gap between his teeth. The corners of my lips tilted up involuntarily.

"You know I never listen to you," he reminds, punching my shoulder lightly.

"Goodmorning, Daniel," both Marissa and my mom sang out, twiddling their fingers at the boy, to which he smiled and sent a wave to them. Before a word could escape his lips, I pushed him out of the doorway and into the hall, sending a glare to my moms and proceeded to close the door behind me.

How To Love | Daniel Seavey AUWhere stories live. Discover now