4 | breathe

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I WOKE UP TWO hours later, the sound of knocking echoing around my room. I peeked through the slits of heavy lids, finding my mom entering, already dressed in her work clothes. The sentence she had spoken were along the lines of breakfast, table and work.

"There's breakfast on the table, I'm off to work," I tried creating a sentence in my head, and mumbled a thank you before closing my eyes, and leaning my head against the cool glass of the window. The door clicked close, and I found myself unable to fall back asleep. I grumpily shoved the blanket off of me, grabbing my phone from the charger and switching it from airplane mode. The constant vibrating from the notifications were getting on my nerves as I tossed my phone to the side, and exited my bedroom to grab the breakfast.

Turns out my mom had ordered waffles to be delivered since we didn't have a waffle maker. There was bacon strips as well as a warm cup of coffee on the table, and I mentally thanked my mom once again as I was now wide awake and slightly irritated.

I had to bring my phone out here since it was getting too quiet for me, and I turned on my music to play out loud, filling the air.

Checking my notifications, it was mostly Daniel spamming with the same message to get me to answer. I read all of them, and didn't bother answering. He should've guessed I was asleep or at least know that I didn't want to talk to him. I thought we had established the fact that we aren't friends, and yet he is still trying.

I guess Daniel got tired of me ignoring him that while I was watching a video online, it paused and his name popped up on the screen. I contemplated whether to decline and proceed with my morning routine of absolutely nothing, but decided against it given that we both had plans—mostly him, at least. I grunted, "What?"

"Good morning to you, too, peaches," he teased, earning an eye roll and fake gag from me, thankfully he couldn't see it. "So about our plans—"

"Your plans," I corrected.

"—Our plans, what about nine, forty-five?" He asked.


"Nine, fifty."


"Nine, fifty-five," he urged.

"Ten," I pressed.

"Nine, forty-five it is," he cheered, "just wear something casual, there's nothing fancy about where we will be going."

"I wasn't planning on wearing anything fancy," I muttered into the phone, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Even if I had said you have to wear something fancy?"

"Uh-huh," I answered, "I would've shown up in a fancy-ass banquet in socks and sandals since I don't give a shit." That caused Daniel to laugh on the other line, and the corner of my lip quirked up but I caught onto it and frowned. "Is that all? I'd like to spend the rest of my morning in peace."


"Bye, Daniel."

"Wait, no please don't hang up," he pleaded. I almost chuckled at the sound of him being whiney, the visual causing the corner of my mouth to quirk up again. "What are you doing now?"

"Trying not to hang up apparently because someone's lonely," I bluntly responded. "Go eat breakfast, jack off, watch something—I don't know, just please hang up so I can be alone before you get here."

"Why do you need to always be alone?"

"I don't really think that matters, so bye." This time I did hang up, switched my phone to airplane mode and grabbed the laptop to continue watching there instead.

How To Love | Daniel Seavey AUWhere stories live. Discover now