Chapter 2

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Azalea's POV

          I saw my father walking by in the hall and I ran to him. I felt like this was the first time in a week I’ve seen him.

            “Father, wait, where are you going?"

My father turned to face me.

            “Azalea, you shouldn’t run in your dress like that."

            “I’m sorry father, but where are you going? You are not going to another one of those council meetings are you?"

He stroked my cheek.

            “I’m afraid so darling. With all the trouble brewing between our kingdom and Cardania, there are many calls for meetings."

            “Then, can I go with you?"

            “You can’t go to a man’s meeting. This doesn’t concern you. Why don’t you run along and help your mother crochet?"

I hated crocheting, but I didn’t want my father to know.

            “I understand father."

My father smiled at me and then went on his way. Before turning the corner he looked at me one more time.

            “Azalea, do not try to run off the palace grounds like you did two days ago. Don’t think I wouldn’t find out."

I was then left alone in the halls. I sighed and wandered around the palace, pondering of something to do.

            I hated the fact that my father, and basically everyone in the kingdom, saw me as a helpless little princess who didn’t know anything about ruling. I may only be fifteen but I am next in line for the throne after my brother, Lysander. Other than that, I was to be sixteen in a few months, the age of independence in our kingdom. Ever since I was young, I spent a lot of time in the library studying many subjects such as language and politics. I also studied geography and medicine. It fascinated me how some plants could be used as remedies. I would normally leave the palace to look for those kinds of plants and add them to my own log but I couldn’t today (with my father finding out and all). Normally my father wouldn’t mind, but now that our kingdom wasn’t on good terms with Cardania, I’m not allowed out. 

            I finally decided on visiting one of my favorite people. I headed for the training barracks where the knights and squires would sharpen their skills. When I got there, it was empty except for Lidia, who was practicing her archery.

Lidia was the first and only female knight in our kingdom. Her father used to be a knight and she wanted to be just like him. As she grew up though, she was rejected from enrollment in the knight academy. That didn’t stop her and so she would spy on the boys at the academy and train herself.  One day, when pirates invaded the coast, she dressed up as a man and drove the pirates out. From that day on, my father accepted her as a full fledged knight of the Pyrus kingdom. I’ve always admired her since I was little. Whenever I felt lonely, I would go visit her at the barracks. She became like a big sister to me. Once I turned nine she started teaching me archery and when I was eleven, sword fighting skills. She told me that I had a knack for archery and swordsmanship that if I wanted to, I could become a knight too (though I knew it was impossible for a princess to become a knight). That was another thing I liked about her, she didn’t treat me like a prissy princess. She treated me like an equal, and I loved feeling like that.

I picked up a bow and arrow that leaned against a barrel, took my stance, aimed, and shot an arrow at the same target Lidia was aiming at. It the edge of the center circle and Lidia turned around. She smiled a cocky grin at me.

“Well, aren’t you a little show off?"

I laughed. “You’re just jealous of my skills."

Lidia quickly swung her arm around my shoulder and smiled.

            “And who taught you how to shoot?"

I smiled up at her.

            “I missed you Lidia."

            “Lonely huh?"

           “Yes, I’m so bored, especially with brother gone and my father restricting me to go out of palace grounds."

            “I hope you aren’t being a bad influence on her like usual." Someone interrupted.

The voice belonged to Kane, Lidia’s younger brother.

            Kane was also a knight like Lidia. He’s also really skilled, but he had the advantage of going to the knight academy so he was able to join the King’s Guard when he was fourteen. He’s sixteen now and more skilled than ever. Like his older sister, he had caramel hair and sky blue eyes. His arms were perfectly tan and muscular and he was a little taller than Lidia (Lidia is tall). Not only was he handsome, he was very sweet and fun to be around. He always put my well being over himself, not because I was the princess, but because we were good friends. He has been my good friend ever since he first visited the castle with his father when he was seven years old. Not only is he my childhood friend, but he was my first love. If I had to pick anyone to be with for the rest of my life, it would be him.

            “Don’t worry Kane, Lidia and I aren’t doing anything contemptible."

            “Hope not, or else you would probably bring me down with you." He smiled.

            “After I clean up, how about we all go down to the kitchen and ask the cook to make us a snack?" Lidia suggested.

            Right when I was about to agree, Kayla called for me. She was a great lady in waiting and a caring friend, but she always has the worst timing. She brought the message that my father wanted to see me. My father rarely asked for me unless I was in trouble, but since I haven’t snuck out of the grounds today, I knew it would be pretty important. I apologized and said goodbye to Lidia and Kane, then I left with Kayla.

            Kayla told me that she was instructed to bring me to the Royal Garden. As I got closer to the garden, I was confused. I saw guards posted outside the entrance. There never were guards there before, and then I realized, half the guards were from Cardinia. When I reached the entrance, the guards prohibited Kayla from entering and I was told to enter alone. Inside the garden wasn’t my father, but a boy I never met before. He had golden hair and a tall, muscular figure. I always thought Kane was the best-looking boy I’ve ever seen, but when the boy in front of me turned around, I was wrong. This boy was so handsome that I thought he was an angel at first. He looked at me once and then started approaching me until he only stood about two feet from me. He took hold of my hand, kissed it, gazed up at me and smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

            “Hello Princess Azalea, daughter of King Pyrdian. I am Prince Christopher Ethan Williams, son of King Jonathan Charles Williams, and heir to the throne of Cardinia."


Thank you guys for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Look foward to chapter 3 coming soon! ^_^

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