Chapter 16

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Hey guys! So, I finally had some free time so I decided to work on this story after some previous encouraging comments. ;) Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 


Azalea's POV:

            I paced around the empty bedroom, trying to figure out a plan. My brother was the one person I was afraid of, but not because he was cruel or twisted. What scared me was his extreme over-protectiveness. Rather than my parents, my brother was more protective over me. When I was little, we once snuck out to the forest by ourselves but while running through it, I fell down a steep hill, causing me to obtain some severe injuries. He blamed himself for not watching over me carefully, thus leading to this personality. Being married to the enemy of our kingdom was something he would not look over.

            A knock at the door interrupted me thoughts. I took a deep breath and with my “lady” voice I allowed the person in. Kayla came in through the door and I felt my shoulders relax.

            “It is only you Kayla.”

            “Your brother should be coming any minute now. I thought you would be jumping for joy but instead you are worried?”

            “There has to be some other motive for him coming here other than the coronation.”

            “Do not think so badly of your brother Azalea, has it ever crossed your mind that perhaps he wanted to visit his younger sister due to him not making it to your wedding?”

            “I just know that he would not approve of my marriage with Christopher. I do not want to cause Christopher any trouble.”

Kayla stroked my hair with comfort.

            “Do not worry Princess. Prince Lysander will see the love that the Prince Christopher and you share and will most definitely approve. I do not see why two kingdoms can approve and he couldn’t.”

The sound of the fanfare announced Lysander’s arrival and I took another deep breath.

            “Thanks Kayla, I just hope you are right in what you said about my brother.”

We both headed down to the entranceway of the castle where I would meet Lysander.

            When I arrived, his carriage just arrived. The servant opened the door and out came my brother, the heir to the Pyrus lineage. As always, he was refined and seemed to have no flaws. He emitted the aura of an ideal prince and even when greeting me, he did so with that composed façade. I helped escort him to his guest room and not one word was spoken besides the “Hello sister” when we greeted. I occasionally glanced to see any hints of emotion on his face, but none appeared to my dismay.

            After we finally were left alone to talk in his suite, his royal pretense faded and he warmly smiled at me. He hugged me tightly and gave me his real greeting.

            “It’s been too long Azalea.”

            “It has been too long Lysander. Three months has it been since we last saw each other?”

He let go of me and patted me on my head.

            “Well, who knew dealing with the Myrian council about our trading arrangement would take that long?  Though, in the three months I have left you, you have made some of hasty decisions.”

Here come his true colors. He held me tightly at my arms.  

            “Prince Christopher of Cardinia and you, my sister, married because of your undying love for each other? Tell me Azalea, when did the two of you even meet?”

            “We both crossed into the boundaries between our kingdoms once, though it was forbidden, and we fell in love.”

            “So do you really love him?”

I tried putting on the best act I could.

            “I love him with all my heart!” I yelled.

There was a long pause before he looked me straight in the eye and surprised me.

            “You do not love him. Do not think you can fool me with those lies! I have kept watch over you for fifteen years and you still doubt me? I know what a girl looks like when she is in love with a man and you do not have such a look.”

I was shocked. Not even my own mother and father saw through our travesty.

            “What is it? Did he threaten you? Has he committed adultery upon you forcing you to become his wife?”

            “Brother!” I yelled back. “Do not think such lewd things. I am not such a person that he can threaten or take advantage of. We are truly in love with each other, contrary to your belief.”

I gazed at him with intensity and determination.

I had to get it through to him. If any person finds out the truth about Christopher and I not loving each other, our kingdoms would fall on the brink of war again. That was something I wanted to prevent at all costs. He turned his head away from me and walked out to the window.

“Even if that is true, I still do not approve of the prince of Cardinia being your betrothed. How do I know he loves you?”

            “I love Azalea with all my heart.” A voice interrupted.

I turned to see the one person I didn’t want to see at the moment.

            “Prince Christopher, how rude, to enter without permission, and how dare you address my sister with such audacity.”

            “The last time I checked Prince Lysander, you are in my kingdom, staying in the suite I provided for you. I have the power to do whatever I wish in my own castle. Furthermore, Azalea and I are married; we may call each other whatever we wish.”

I started getting worried. It was a bad idea to get on my brother’s bad side. He could be ruthless when it came to those he does not like.

            “I do not approve of your marriage, so in my eyes, you are not married to her.”  

            “Then to gain your approval, I will gladly accept any trial you give me.”

Lysander gave an arrogant grin.

            “Let us settle this through a small duel. If you win, I will approve of your marriage with Azalea, but if I win, you two shall separate.”

I reached out to stop Christopher from agreeing, but he replied without any hesitation.

            “I accept your challenge.”

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