Chapter 25

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Azalea's POV:

            My hands were wrapped around his as we approached the entry into Pyrus. As soon as we passed the boundary, I excitedly peered out the window at what used to be my home. Waves of nostalgia washed over me as I remembered every rock, every tree. This was where I was born, where I was raised, where I thought I would be forever until I married Christopher. I looked at the handsome boy, no…man, who I loved. I would not trade this life for any other. I smiled and looked back to the window.

            We started approaching the castle and I felt Christopher’s hand tighten around mine. I could hear my heartbeat speeding up, not because he was holding my hand, but from fright of the unknown. 

            The carriage stopped and light filled the small cubicle as the door opened. Christopher exited first and took my hand as he helped me out. I looked at the beautiful palace that stood in front of me before closing my eyes and taking in everything: the ocean waves, the birds squawking, the salty sea air, the perfect breeze of the wind, and the hustle and bustle of the citizens who gathered to see our arrival.

            “I’m home.” I smiled.

            “Yes you are.”

I opened my eyes to see a person I have not seen since he visited Cardinia to duel my husband.


I soon remembered that we were in the public, with them watching me. They would never have minded my immaturity in the past, but I was the queen of Cardinia now; I had to represent my new kingdom with dignity and grace. I slightly bowed to show my respect of him.

            “It is very nice to see you again brother.”

            “Shall we go?” He directed.

He quickly greeted Kane and ushered for the three of us to follow him into the palace.

            “Before the meeting tomorrow, I wanted to fill you all in on an occurrence that have happened in Pyrus.” There was a brief pause. “My father has fallen ill.”

            “What did you say? How did this happen?” Christopher asked.

            “I am sorry Christopher, but I cannot tell you too much of the details. You may be my brother-in-law but you are an outsider of Pyrus.”

            “I understand. So I take it that you will be representing your father in the meeting?”

            “Yes, so I apologize ahead of time if I say anything out of line this evening.”

We stopped abruptly as Lysander pointed to the door on our left.

            “This is where the meeting will be taking place tonight. We start the meetings after supper so please make it on time. You are free to do whatever you wish until then.” He looked at Kane. “Kane, please come with me. I have some things I wish to discuss with you.”

The two Pyrans left Christopher and me in the empty hallway.

            “So, what shall we do until then?” Christopher asked.

            “Hmm…I am not entirely sure. Maybe…” I had a brilliant idea. “Let me show you around the kingdom!” I quickly suggested with delight. “I want to show you my home.”

            “You lead the way.”

            “Alright, we’ll go right after I tell Kane.”

Christopher grabbed my hand.

            “And why would you need to tell him where we’re going?”

            “After the trading post incident, he told me to make sure to tell him wherever I go so he may protect me.”

Christopher pulled me down the hall.

            “Who cares what he thinks? I will protect you, so pay no mind to what Kane wants or says.”

            I led him down to the stables as we picked out some horses to borrow. We rode to the fishing docks, the village where I introduced him to a few citizens I was close to, the forests, and finally we reached to bay. The sunset reflected on the water and you could smell that sea air.

            “This is my favorite place in the world. I always forget my troubles when I come here.”

Christopher wrapped his arms from behind me.

            “It is beautiful.”

I turned my head to look at his face. Christopher lifted my face with one hand and kissed me. I turned my body and ran my fingers through his hair. His hands caressed my cheeks soothingly as we enveloped each other in our kiss.

            Suddenly, I felt something strange and pulled away. I avoided his gaze and looked out towards the sunset. I couldn’t believe it. While we were kissing, my lips naturally parted a bit, and I felt his tongue slip in. I was so shocked. We never kissed like that before; it made me realize that he was a…man.

            “I’m sorry.” Christopher patted my head and headed towards his horse. “Let’s go back; it is almost time for supper anyway.”

I nodded and walked towards my horse. We rode the rest of the way in awkward silence.

            Why are you such a child Azalea?


Aww Azalea why? So, this chapter, as you can see, is mainly a chapter where I want their love to develop more, but can Azalea handle it? o_O Next chapter is the delegate meeting! Please tell me what you think. 

BTW I love hearing the holiday songs on the radio, don't you? 

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