Chapter 13

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Azalea's POV

            I fingered the curls in my hair in front of the mirror as my eyes wandered from the tiara and headdress that lay on my head, to the ends of the decorated sandals hugging my feet. I wore a white silk gown that hung with a single shoulder strap that trailed down the dress. The dress was simple and only had a silver shining string under my bosom to decorate it. This wasn’t the first time I’ve seen the dress. It was a gown handmade from the best seamstress in my country for one of the most important days in my life. This day, my wedding day, the day which would change the course of my life.

            I put on my bridal veil connecting to my headdress, hiding my face. I let out a big sigh and gave myself a smile. Everything is going to be alright. You’re going to be okay Azalea. A knock came from the door with Kayla and some other servants entering with a bow.

            “It is time princess.”

As I passed her she whispered, “You are a beautiful bride Azalea.”

I gently smiled back at her and gracefully strolled down the long hallway.

I couldn’t hear anything else in the world besides the sound of my footsteps and my heart beating in my chest. My body felt numb. I wasn’t myself. I was… afraid. I was afraid of what would happen after this day. I was afraid to be married to someone who I didn’t love. I was afraid of losing myself in this unknown country. I was afraid I wouldn’t see my family and friends ever again. Most importantly, I was afraid of actually falling in love with Christopher, and getting hurt by him.

We finally reached the giant double doors. I could tell ceremony has already started from the music escaping the cracks of the doors. I was handed a bouquet of flowers and when I realized what flowers I was holding, I smiled. They were Azaleas. I heard the voice of a servant reminding me that “the time has arrived.” The doors opened and as I walked down the aisle, all my fears faded away.


Christopher's POV

            I stood at the head of the altar, staring down the long aisle where my future wife would be walking down. Citizens from both our countries were seated at both sides of this aisle along with a historian in the front row. As I looked at the crowd I realized that no one from Azalea’s family was seated, or my mother. I heard the music start and that was the cue for the ceremony to begin. The doors opened slightly as I saw the twins walk down the aisle throwing flower heads as the passed each person. My younger brother was the ring bearer, holding a velvet pillow with a pair of dazzling rings. The doors completely closed as trumpets bellowed, announcing the bride’s arrival. Everyone stood up for respect as the doors opened, and she made her entrance.

            Her dress was pretty plain in my opinion, but it made her look so lovely. On another woman, the dress would’ve looked too simple, but on her, she looked like a goddess. Her hair wasn’t in a simple braid like usual and was tied up. Her presence was like a star in the night sky. She shone brightly, filling the whole room with her luminance.

            When she reached me, she looked at me only once before staring ahead at the minister before us. I was curious about what her expression was; it was hidden behind that white veil of hers. The minister proceeded with the ceremony.

            “We are gathered here to join Prince Christopher Ethan Williams of Cardinia and Princess Azalea Marcona of Pryus, in holy matrimony.”

He directed his gaze towards me.

            “Prince Christopher, please repeat after me. I, Prince Christopher Ethan Williams, take thy Princess Azalea Marcona of Pryus to be my wedded wife.”

            “I, Prince Christopher Ethan Williams, take thy Princess Azalea Marcona of Pryus to be my wedded wife”

            “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ‘till death doth us part.”

“To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ‘till death doth us part.”

“I hereto pledge my faithfulness, love, and dedication to her.”

“I hereto pledge my faithfulness, love, and dedication to her.”

He nodded, signaling me my part was over. He directed his gaze at Azalea.

            “Princess Azalea, please repeat after me. I-”

She cut him off before he could say anymore and repeated the right words, not skipping a beat.

            ““I, Princess Azalea Marcona, take thy Prince Christopher Ethan Williams to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ‘till death doth us part. I hereto pledge my faithfulness, love, and dedication to him.”

            He asked for the rings and we both took the opposite rings off the pillow. I placed the ring on her dainty finger as she mirrored my actions.

As by Cardinian tradition, my right hand was joined by her left hand with a red ribbon with the golden house symbol of my family: an eagle.

            “This act symbolizes the joining of not only two people, but two countries!” The minister bellowed to the whole room.”

Once the room calmed down he finally came to the end of the marriage vows.

            “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

            I lifted the veil on her face and saw the expression that I was questioning the whole ceremony. She had the look of determination that reminded me of the day I met her. She came into my room that night with the same look in her eyes. Surprising me, she was the one who kissed me. Our hands that were tied together wrapped around each other as we allowed our lips to settle on each other. The sounds of our guests clapping filled the room, even after we pulled our lips off each other. Servants directed us out of the room, and when we passed the twins, I saw Azalea giving Regina her bouquet.

            We were led to our suite, still holding each others’ hand, and as we walked, embraced my arm. Now that were officially married, we were to sleep in the same room, same bed. I stared at the servants for only a few seconds before they got the hint. The bowed quickly and left us alone. Azalea then dropped my arm and held up our bonded hands.

            “Why are we like this?”

            “By my kingdom’s custom, on couples’ marriage day, they are to spend the whole day together tied to show their devotion to one another.”

I noticed she wasn’t looking at me. I followed her eyes to spot them lying on the giant bed lying in the middle of the room. She then became aware of the fact I was looking at that too. She stared at me with an anxious look. I couldn’t help myself, seeing her like that.

            “This will be a fun night.” I grinned.


How did you guys like their wedding? What do you guys think will happen next? Please comment and tell me if anything is wrong, or if it's okay so far. Thanks for reading :D

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