Chapter 1

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I adjusted my gaze to the ocean, the cool breeze lightly kissing my skin. My hands clutched onto Charity's arm, taking in the mesmerizing yet ghastly scene. Sunlight beamed down on the water, causing me to practically glare outward. We are on a cruise. An actual cruise; about to sail out to sea. My knees feel weak, my head is spinning, everything was going so fast. Charity soothed my hair, entangling her fingers into the strands, attempting to calm my racing heart. How long had we been on the cruise, a few minutes, seconds even? People continued to pile in, rapidly taking up the rooms. 

Charity's lip gloss sparkled as the corners of her mouth went upwards in a small smile, "Wanna go to the room?" She questioned, already heading towards the luxurious chamber. As if I had a choice. Wherever Charity went, I would surely follow, afraid to be left alone. Reaching into her pocket, keys jingled as she unlocked the room. The smell of chocolate wavered around, replacing the salty sea stench. I breathed it in, feeling more at ease. "You feel better?" She giggled as I let go of her arm.

"T-This is really new for me." I muttered, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I know. And that's why I'll be here cheering you on~" I hugged Charity, snaking my arms around her shoulders. As much as I despise this trip, Charity really has been patient with me. I could barely exit the bus that brought us here. She had to pry me off and even then; I refused to move until a security guard came and threatened me. During all that, she didn't get angry nor annoyed. 

We broke away from the hug. A loud siren blared. Immediately, I jumped onto Charity, hiding my face in her neck. A speaker turned on from the corner of the room, "Attention passengers; We will be starting this exciting journey in five minutes. We are having some maintenance be done to the cruise. Thank you for being patient and choosing the Jeweler for your vacational needs." The speaker cut off. 

"Maintenance!? Charity! I wanna get off! Right now!" I hastened to the door, barging through it. Charity scurried after me, attempting to stop me. Her hands barely grazed my arm when I would take a farther step away from her.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) stop!" Charity clamored. Heads turned towards us. My face turned a beat red, embarrassed by all the gazes and judging eyes on me. I stopped, allowing Charity to drag me back to the room. As much as I wanted to argue, I allowed myself to be trudged through the doors. Tears wallowed my eyes. I held my hands to my face, my breath hitched in my throat, attempting not to let my tears show as much as possible. I despise looking weak in front of somebody as strong as Charity. She put a sympathetic look on her face. "(Y/N)... I-I'm sorry... I just-" I cut her off.

I jutted my arms out, pushing her back as she fell onto the floor. I stood over her. "You're not sorry." Tears streamed down my face, I scowled at her, my fists balled up, turning white. "You always do this, Charity! You drag me into things I don't want to do, and then apologize afterwards! How can you possibly be sorry if you continue doing the same thing! God, Charity." I broke out into a sob, "I trusted you with this, hoping you would understand my issue. But, instead, you try and play therapist." I began rambling, pacing around the room. 

Charity stood up, dusting herself off, "Stop being so scared! You're such a baby!" She shrieked.

I stopped in my tracks, a piercing glare shooting her. "Oh?" I stepped closer to her, "I'm a baby!? Why!? Because I'm scared of something you're not afraid of!?" I was so close to her, our faces inches apart, "Don't ever talk to me again. I never want to see your disgusting face again." I pushed past her, walking through the door. 

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