Chapter 3

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I awoke in a dark cell. My eyes wandered to bars aligned in a straight row, the rusted metal slowly falling apart. I jutted forward, only to be brought back by chains. My breathing became short and loud, hyperventilating. "W-Where am I?! Hello!?" I shouted, pulling at the chains. I noticed bubbles as I did so. I squinted my eyes, studying the chains. "Am I... Underwater?" The previous events flashed in my mind. Oh my god, I'm still underwater. I'm breathing. Underwater. My head began aching, throbbing more than it was before. My eyes wandered around the cell, a small window with bars in one corner, light from the ocean shining in. I followed the light, only to see something move. 

A blue tail? The tail glistened in the dimmed lighting. It swished from left to right, before abruptly stopping. I curiously followed it, only to be met with a piercing glare. "Quit staring." The blue eyed male said. I turned my head quickly. 

"Where am I?" I confidently asked. No answer. "Who are you?" Silence followed my question. "Why am I chained-" I was cut off by a loud booming. I turned my head. The male's chained fists were pressed against the wall. 

"Shut up, you damn human." He uttered. I closed my mouth, staring at the creature in front of me. A mermaid, no other logical explanation but that. His tail intrigued me, yet the rest of him caused fear to wallow inside of me. He is chained up. Had he done something wrong? Am I in a cell with a criminal of sorts? And who brought me here? I questioned nobody in particular, just my mind pondering about possible outcomes. The ocean is no longer an obstacle. My real affair is getting out of here, wherever here is. "You'll die soon." He said, a lingering silence following afterwards. "He'll kill you." My heart dropped to my stomach. 

"W-Who?" I attempted to get closer to him, only to have the chains stop me. 

"My brother." His voice sounded so monotone, so nonchalant that you would never believe he was chained up to a wall. "Secrum. He despises humans; He'll kill a weak human like you." 

I felt insulted. "Why are you chained up?" This really is not the time to be having a questionnaire, but I need as much information as possible. Based on what has happened so far; this merman is the only living creature I can trust.

He glowered. Raising his head, he let a sly smirk replace his frown, "I was a threat to his thrown." Another silence embellished us. 

"What's your name." I decided not to pry on. 

"Nubo." His smirk disappeared, the curves of his mouth going downward.

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