Chapter 8

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Nubo's P.O.V

I heard everything. Every single word, every syllable, every emotion. It was all just floating in the air, making it's way into my ears and processing in my mind. Had she not realized that she was speaking?

Her light snores were the only audible thing in the water now. She stopped her tangent, unknowingly sharing it with me. How could humans miss their own kind so much, yet harm each other everyday? Their species interests me. She interests me.

When I was kidnapped by the humans, I simply wanted to get out. Family was never an option or request. Family never interested me. Humans are raised loving their young. I don't understand why, though. Love is an illusion, created by humans to have something to grasp onto. When everything is falling apart for them, they turn to their precious love. It is absolutely sickening. They should face reality. Love will never be a top priority for them. Humans will always be selfish and 'love' can not change that.


"Excuse me, sir, it is time to awaken." I groaned, opening one eye. The tall stature of a male hovered over me, lightly pulling me from my sleep state. I turned to the other side, ignoring his words. "Please do not make it harder than what it has to be."

Before I could even question what that meant, Secrum burst through the door. "Wakey wakey sleepy head! Rise and shine! The fish are swimming, life is good! Come on!" Cheered my annoying brother. Grabbing my arm, he pulled me away from the comfy bed. "Let's go, you need to eat breakfast. I have a surprise~"

I stopped him. "Let me get (Y/N) first." I swam back, leaving Secrum to watch me.

"You and that damn human..."

I opened the cage, watching her crouched into a ball. I ruffled my dark blue hair and sighed. "Wake up." She stirred in her sleep, but soon lifted her head to meet my gaze.

"Good morning." She whispered, rubbing her eye. I felt myself shrink. That little voice she spoke with made me feel weird. I shook my head. "I had the strangest dream... A shark attacked me and some hot merman kidna-" Her eyes widened. I felt my cheeks go hot at the 'hot merman' part. "AH!" Her hand jutted towards me, pushing my face away.

"Argh!" I groaned, rubbing my nose. "Come on, you annoying brat." I grabbed her arm and pushed her out the room.

Secrum swam towards us, "What happened?" He chuckled, "Your nose is a little red, brother." He teased, poking my now hurt nose.

"S-Sorry." She mumbled, twiddling with her fingers.

I sighed, "Nothing. Now let's go eat." We swam to the kitchen. I grabbed a raw fish and munched on it. I handed (Y/N) a fish. "Eat." I ordered. She shook her head once again. Humans are so picky. She is lucky she is even getting food! "Fine. Starve."

Secrum butted in, "Hey, come on. We can't let the servant die. We'll go into town and buy her some food. Oh!" He paused, "Yhat reminds me! I have a surprise!" He swam in front of me, a giddy smile on his face. "Guess what's gonna happen tomorrow night?" He wiggles his eyebrows. I flashed him a frown, "Fine. I'll tell you. A ball!" His face brightened even more.

"Absolutely not." I deadpanned. I looked to the petite human. Her face had contorted into a fearful one. Is she afraid of more of my kind? God, what a pitiful human being.

"Oh come on~ we haven't had one since u left! Plus, you need a princess to rule with. And I don't want to have to end up marrying you all because you didn't want to find a suitable mate." Secrum's arms crossed over his chest.

"We are not holding a ball."






"I. Said. No!" My claw like nails slashed at him, barely missing his face.

"Okay fime. You don't have to find a wife. But there will be a ball tomorrow."

"What makes you think there's gonna be one?" I questioned, glaring at him.

He sweat dropped, "I already invited everyone in the kingdom." He let out a small, nervous smile.

I mentally facepalmed. "I got here yesterday!"

"Teehee~" His innocent act annoyed me.

"Fine. Then let's go. We need clothes, and I refuse to let my servant walk around in that. Not to mention the legs that we'll have to cover up." I pointed to the human's clothes, I believe humans called it a bathing suit, and her legs. She shifted uncomfortably.

"Great!" Secrum clapped his hands together, "Let's go!"

Yay!! Another chapter!! Honestly just had some free time and decided to do this before I get lazy again. Okay baii

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