Chapter 7

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My hands became sweaty as the imaginary clock ticked in my mind. It had to have only been an hour since I was taken into this castle. My eyes trailed to the merman, who impatiently swam side to side, mumbling inaudible nonsense.

A knock sounded at the door. Nubo opened the door, revealing a scrawny little mermaid, her green hair hung down to the tip of her tail. Her big doe eyes worriedly stared at Nubo, "S-Secrum has asked for you to come to the dining hall." She said in a squeaky voice.

Nubo nodded and shut the door in her face. He creeped to the cage and opened the hatch. His long fingers wrapped around my arm, firmly gripping until he pulled me towards him. I made a muffled oomph as I crashed into his side. "Your gonna eat with us." He muttered, tugging me out the door. I kept quiet, not refusing nor opposing. I need to eat anyways, and if he can trust me then the sooner I get out.

"Ah, there you are!" His brother smiled, sitting at a long, elegant table. The top is decorated with lovely coral and flowers that swayed with the water. Seaweed wrapped around the table, keeping it stable. Food aligned from one end to the other. "Sit sit. I bet you haven't had a feast like this in a while~" Secrum teased, beginning to stuff his face with food.

Nubo nodded, grabbing a small fish and gobbling it down. I, on the other hand, stood there disgusted, and completely uncomfortable. I don't know what I was expecting though. It makes sense that they eat animals from the sea, what else would they be eating? Pizza? Hotdogs? I shook my head.

Nubo held out the head of a fix towards me, wiggling it in his hands. My eyes stared at it, refusing to make any sort of movement. Nubo grew impatient, heaving out an exasperated sigh. "Eat it." I gave him an 'are you kidding me' look.

"No, thank you." I mumbled, lightly pushing the food away.

"Eat it."

Secrum spoke up, "Why are you feeding the servant?" He glared at me and then at the food. "Just give it to me." Secrum commanded, motioning for the 'food'.

"Fine. Don't eat." He grumbled, stuffing the fish head in his mouth. I could feel myself gag at the chewing sounds, the small bones of the fish cracking into tinier pieces, the unwanted fish parts scattered on the table.


After the two had finished their feast, Nubo tugged at my hair. "Thank you for the food." He thanked, dragging me back to the room. Locking the door behind him, he shoved me into the cage. As he closed the steel bars, I sighed. I can't starve myself, that's the last way I want to die. He swam behind the cage, into his bed. "Sleep." He commanded.

I could hear him tucking himself into the bed. My eyes wandered around the small space I am being kept in. The cage is rusted, algae growing in the corners. "E-Excuse me." I squeaked out, hoping to not wake and anger him.
He replied with a light groan, "Do You, by any chance, have a blanket. Or something."

I was surprised he heard me with how low I spoke, "No." simple, yet so bitter. My knuckles clenched. I'm freezing and he tells me no! He doesn't have anything that's warm?!

The night soon turned quiet. The water was darker than before, the sounds of light snores were the only audible thing near me. My mind went blank, focusing on the ocean in front of me. I thought about the events that unfolded today. It all seemed so surreal. But it couldn't be a dream, could it?

It would be nice if it were. To end up waking up in my bedroom, awaking to the beautiful sun, the lovely colors of my room illuminating the day's light. To hear my family's constant chatter and the sizzling of bacon. Pancakes being served in front of everyone, eggs on the side. My bag hunched over my back as I grumble about leaving to school. My beautiful friends and teachers greeting me as we start a new day with a whirlwind of work and tests. Oh, how nice it would be to go back. To live my life again.

I felt myself relax, my muscles stop their tension as I thought of my situation now. Being stuck in a cage, until one of them decides to kill me or leave me for dead. To let the sharks feed off me. My heart ached at the thought. Nobody will find my body. I'm stuck here, no goodbyes, no notes, not even a single I love you to the people I care about. I will never hear their angelic voices again.

If I could go back, I would be so grateful. Any chance I get, I will tell them how amazing they are. How lucky the world is to have them in it's existence. Such a simple gesture, yet it means so much to me. To them even. My hand slowly went up, moving as I imagined the soft hair of my mom, strands between my fingers, combing through it.

I miss everything I use to do, everyone I use to love and even hate. I miss my life.

I've been gone for so long. I'm sorry it was so unexpected I just had no ideas what so ever. Luckily my best friend somewhat forced me to do this. Lol. What else are friends for am i rite

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