Chapter 5

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 It was time to have my plan played out. I nodded at Nubo as he returned it. I let out a loud, ear-piercing scream. The guard rushed inside the cell, confused and panicked. I struggled in the chains and started making grunting noises. "I can't b-b-breath!" I chocked out. The guard began to stagger in his words, attempting to calm me down. "A-Air..-" Nubo took this as his chance. His tail slid quietly to the guard, slowly slipping the keys from his uniform. He quietly unhooked his chains, attempting to not let the rattling make too much noise. Worryingly, he messed up and the chains clashed together. Before the guard could turn around, I used my chained leg to quickly grab his attention by kicking him. "-Help m-me." I pretended to close my eyes. Had acting classes really paid off? 

Before I could open my eyes, I heard a loud smack and a grunting noise. "All clear." He said, breathing in heavily. I felt the chains that were wrapped around my arm unhook. My wrists and ankles were a dark red color, gradually turning a purple as it went around. "Come on." Before I could spit out a thank you, he yanked my arm and made me swim away with him. "He's likely in his study. Trust me, I'll easily over power him. Afterwards we'll talk about our deal."

I tried to keep up with his fast swimming, my legs kicking rapidly. "So what's the plan, exactly?" I whisper-shouted.

"Get in the room, distract him, and I'll go in and do the job." He smirked, clenching his fists until they turned a white. Nubo abruptly stopped, causing me to slam into his arm. Luckily, there was water keeping the blow at least somewhat minimal. "Remember the plan." He inquired, shoving me inside. Secrum swam back, surprised to see me in his 'office.'

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