We stalked Zeldris

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The sins were walking home from school on thursday and Diane, King, Ban and Zeldris were all talking. Elizabeth was only half interested.

"C'mooon!" Ban teased King, obviously having drunk to much cola. "Lemme date your sisterrrrr~"

"No! She's like ten!" King exclaimed while they all laughed.

"Anyway, I just texted my Mama and she said you can stay over on Friday night." Diane stated. "You all coming?"

"Sureeee~" said Ban.
"F-fine." King stuttered (Elizabeth think- no, she KNOWS he likes her)
"Alright." Elizabeth squealed. "It's gonna be fuuuunnnnn!!!!" She imitated Ban on that last bit.

The only person who didn't answer was Zeldris. He looked lost in thought. His face was contorted in a frown. Diane waved her hand in front of his face. "Hello, anyone home?"

"What? Oh, sorry about that. I think I can come. I'd have to go home first though." Zeldris said, checking his phone.

"Aw." Diane sighed. "Your no fun!!" She pouted and crossed her arms in a mock tantrum.

"Hey, Zeldris?" King asked, hugging his pillow like usual as we turned the corner.

"Hmm." Came Zeldris' half answer.

"When can we come to your place?" He asked. We nodded, Elizabeth was listening now. "You've been to ours, Diane's cottage, my mansion, Bans house, Elizabeth's estate. We should be able to enter your house."

"Why would you want to see my house? It's boring." Zeldris defended.

"Yeah." Elizabeth piped up. "I want to see your house. Its only fair after all. You've seen ours so we get to see yours." His face paled slightly as Elizabeth used her impeccable logic against him.

"Oh look, it's my stop. See you guys tomorrow." Zeldris said quickly and turned down a street. Luckily that was the street he always goes down to get to his mysterious house.

Diane watched as he walked down the street. 'He has a nice butt. Omg Diane don't think that!!!' Diane mentally screamed. Then she had an Idea. "Hey guys." She said. "D'you wanna follow him and see his house?"

The others agreed but Elizabeth frowned slightly. "Isn't that a bit wrong?" She said. "It's disrespecting his right to privacy."

"Well do you want to see his house or not?" Ban slurred. "Besides, he won't even know." He swore he saw the cogs turning in her head until she finally nodded in agreement.

"Yay let's go!" They walked up the street stealthily so that he wouldn't see us. They turned the corner in time for thwm to see him go into a regular looking house.

"Four bedrooms, large kitchen connected to living room, large garden, one bathroom, meant for upper middle class citizens." Diane muttered. King, Ban and Elizabeth looked at her. "What? I want to be a real estate agent."

They nodded, used to crazy stuff from one of their group and just watched as Zeldris shut the door. Diane snuck up to the house with the others in tow and peeked through the window.

Inside, Zeldris was in the living room and was chucking a pillow at a small boy, about the size of a 6 year old, with blonde hair and emerald green eyes. 'He was gorgeous!' Elizabeth thought. boy woke up and his eyes widened and he hugged Zeldris tightly.

They talked for a while until the gorgeous boy pointed at the window and Diane's eyes met Zeldris's. He looked mad.

"Heeyy~" Ban waved and both King and Elizabeth face palmed simultaneously.

The boy asked Zeldris something and then Zeldris spoke something else to the boy and left the room. "I think we should leave now." Elizabeth said and we turned to leave.

When we were about to start off up the street the front door opened and Zeldris stood there, looking positively mad. "Inside. Now." He said through gritted teeth.

"Oh boy." King said clutching his pillow fiercely. "We are all gonna die."

When Diane, King, Ban and Elizabeth walked into the living room Zeldris felt livid. 'How could they follow me home!' He raged silently.

Zeldris sat down on the couch beside Meliodas who automatically leaned against him. The others remained standing.  Elizabeth looked ashamed and King looked frightened. Ban looked drunk on apple juice, though he was actually hyper, and Diane was looking at me defiantly.

"Well," Zeldris said simply. "Explain."

"Well, you've never let us into your house before and we felt that we needed to see it. You've seen ours, but we never saw yours and it was only fair that we should see it." Diane started.

"Sooo we ninja followed you home and saw you talk to the blonde kiddd~" Ban exclaimed. "Theee only one whoooo didn't want to follow you was Elizabethhhhh but we peer pressured her into coming~"

"You are such stalkers." Zeldris sighed. "Why are we even friends."

"Coz you looove uss~" Ban said.

"Whatever. Just get out my house." Zeldris rolled his eyes and was getting up  when Diane blocked my way.

"Nuh uh. Tell us why you didn't want us coming here first." She said.





"Ughfhfhdh fine." He gave in. "Usually the house is a complete mess. Mostly because no one lives here except me and I was too lazy to clean it."

"And?" King prompted.

"Well one day I decided to clean because it got on my nerves. I was going to invite you round tomorrow actually, but then I got told he was coming so I couldn't." He explained.

"Excuse me," Elizabeth said cautiously. "But who is 'he'?"

"Oh, Meli?" Zeldris said. "Well actually he's my half brother."

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