Too Late Pt 2

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Liz held her hand out and an arc enveloped Meliodas. He broke out of it in a few seconds. 

Meliodas jumped around the arena, avoiding the arcs she sent his way. He smirked. "Pulling out the big guns, huh Liz?"

"Shut up!" She replied, still shooting arcs at him. "I just want to win this thing and go home."

"You still coming round for dinner, you and Arthur?" Meliodas asked, still dodging.


Liz's Arcs seemed never ending and the crowds whispered among themselves.

"Why isn't he attacking? Idiot!" Zeldris moaned. "Did he forget his training?!"

Elizabeth's face was pale. "He's going to wear her out. That's cruel."

"Wait, he's using that technique?!" Zeldris exclaimed.

Elizabeth nodded. "It appears so."

"What are you guys talking about?" Diane frowned. "He's just dodging her attacks."

"Diane, he's using an ancient technique." Zeldris shook his head. "It's where a demon will wear the Goddess out but avoiding attacks until they are drained of their magic then use their own against them and completely overpower their opponent."

"That seems okay, why are you guys so worried?" Diane frowned still.

"Diane, you don't understand." Elizabeth said, still pale. "This technique can usually be excruciatingly painful to the Goddess, who will have no magic left, and if they don't have a weapon, they are basically tortured even more until near death, or death."

"And," Zeldris added. "It almost always works. This is also very bad for Liz. Very bad. She's got healing powers so to be drained of her powers and unable to heal herself as the demon kills her will be killing her inside, it would feel unnatural."

Diane gasped "That's bad-"

"That's not all." Zeldris gulped. "Meliodas, is no ordinary demon. He's sadistic."

Liz's Arcs seemed to be getting weaker and she was slowing down the speed of her attacks. Meliodas still dodged. Every so often, he would flick his sword threateningly at her so Liz kept attacking.

"Meliodas isn't just sadistic." Elizabeth spoke. "He's worse."

"You don't mean?" Diane gasped in horror. Ban and King were listening to the whole conversation.

"Yes." Zeldris replied, in a sick kind of voice. "Meliodas likes to play with his food."

Meanwhile, Liz was completely worn out. She had been using arcs for five minutes straight. Almost none of them  seemed to be hitting him at all.

She sent an arc that was sure to hit him, but he yelled "Full counter!" And sent it back at her, stunning her temporarily.

She could feel her magic draining, she had almost nothing left. "Damn it!" Liz cursed.

"What's wrong, Liz?" Meliodas called teasingly. "No more magic left?"

"None of your business- wait, how could you!" She screeched.

"Do what, Lizzie?" Meliodas teased.

Suddenly, Meliodas disappeared and appeared at Liz's shoulder, slashing it with his sword. The same thing happened with her arm and her cheek. Liz used her last bit of magic to heal her wounds and summoned a short sword, with a jewelled hilt.

The crowds were roaring, his was getting interesting.

"He's drained her magic completely." Elizabeth concluded. "She's summoned her short sword as a last resort."

"And let the bloodbath begin." Zeldris sighed.

"It's happening... No... It can't-" Diane stuttered.

"But it will. You might as well relax, you can't do anything for her." Zeldris sighed. "Eventually, Merlin might interrupt the match if it gets too bad."

Meliodas quickened his pace and slashed at her arms and legs. Liz flailed her sword around but Meliodas was too quick and he easily dodged her attacks.

It may have looked like he was randomly slicing wherever he could reach, but that was not the case.

As Zeldris watched him attack, he noticed that the cuts got closer and closer to a certain point.


"What?" Elizabeth answered nervously, judging from the sick tone of voice Zeldris spoke in.

"He's going for her wings."

"No! He can't, that's-"

"That's torturous, I know." Zeldris replied. "But he will. And you can't stop him."

Meliodas had continued slicing up Liz's skin, getting closer to her wings each time. Liz didn't realise until it was too late. Her eyes widened in horror. "DON'T-"

"Too late." He smirked.

Meliodas cast that final slash. His sword cleanly went through feathers, flesh, muscle and bone. Liz's right large wing fell to the floor. Blood covered the demon and the Goddess, as well as the floor.

Liz's scream was a loud, agony filled scream that echoed throughout the hall. She fell from the air, and hit the ground with a sickening crunch.

Meliodas landed on the ground and held the knife to her heart. "I think I won, don't you say?"

Liz nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Meliodas wins!" Mr Escanor yelled in a horrified voice.

Elizabeth ran into the arena and grabbed Liz's wing. She placed it where it would be and glowed golden. Liz's injuries disappeared and her wings reattached.

After a minute, Meliodas held his hand out. "Liz, you okay?"

"I'm fine now." She gratefully took his hand and he helped her up. "You were good, I couldn't even tell what you were doing until the last second."

"Well, I did get a bit carried away..." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck akwardly.

"Doesn't matter." Liz smiled and hugged him, ignoring how tense he became. "I'm okay now, right?"

"Okay." He smiled when she let go. "Where's Arthur?"

They walked over to the bench and everyone gasped at the two. Arthur hit Meliodas's head. "What was all that about?!?!"

"Hey! Leave him alone! He just got carried away, that's all." Liz stood on Arthur's toes.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Arthur moaned.

"Stupid." She muttered. She turned to Meliodas. "Wanna take a walk outside? I wanna show you something."

"Sure." He said. They walked away from the crowds and out into the corridors. They walked down the corridors in comfortable silence until Liz pulled him down a corridor he didn't even realise was there. She opened the door at the end. They were standing near the edge of a cliff.

She walked to the edge and sat down. Meliodas sat beside her. "Wow." He breathed. The view was breathtaking. You could see the entire city of Liones, and a lot of the Forest of white dreams.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Liz smiled.

"Yes." He agreed.

They sat together in comfortable silence for quite some time. The sun was setting, and it looked perfect.

"Hey, Liz?" Meliodas asked.


"Well, I've realised something-" he looked at her and saw Howser, Griamore and Gilthunder right behind her. "Liz!"

It was too late.

The Goddess felt hands on her back shove her roughly and her body plummeted to the ground.

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