Seriously?!?! How Stupid Are You?!?

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The next day, Meliodas woke up, as usual, before everyone else. According to his clock, it was only six am, so Estarossa and Zeldris wouldn't be up for another half hour.

Meliodas lay in his bed, processing all of yesterday's events. Liz and him were still friends, he met Arthur, Arthur has a cat in his schoolbag, he didn't see his old bullies. All in all, not a bad day.

He smiled and sat up in bed. He put on his uniform. As he was walking downstairs, Meliodas looked at himself in the mirror. "Should I brush my hair?" He wondered out loud. "Nah."

He got to the kitchen and started eating an apple. The phone rang, and Meliodas picked it up. "Who is this?"

"Mrs Danafor, I'm calling for Estarossa, who is this?"


"Oh, you're back dear! Is Estarossa there?"

"Nope. Still asleep. May I ask why you're calling at twenty past six?"

"I was wondering if he can start looking after Liz again, after school and in the mornings, my babysitter quit on me."

"Sure thing!"

"Okay. Be there in ten." And she hung up.

"Estarossa!!!!!!!!!" Meliodas screeched and both Zeldris and Estarossa came bolting sleepily downstairs.

"What's up?!?" Zeldris yelled.

"Liz is coming round in ten. You started babysitting her again." Meliodas smiled.

"Okay... Wait what?! I need to get dressed!" And Estarossa and Zeldris ran upstairs.

Exactly ten minutes later, when Zeldris and Estarossa were successfully ready, Liz just strolled into the house yelling "Boys! I'm back!"

"What happened to knocking!?!?!" Zeldris yelled back.

"When did she become this bold?" Meliodas asked curiously.

"About a month after you left." Estarossa replied.

Meliodas paused sadly. "Oh. Liz come get breakfast!"

" 'Kay. Coming!" And she ran into the kitchen. Liz tried to hug him but he sidestepped her again. The hurt in Liz's eyes showed but then disappeared just as fast. "Can I have frosties?"

"Ya. I'm having another apple." Meliodas replied akwardly after the attempted hug, and grabbed another red apple.

"Meli..." Estarossa asked dangerously. "How many apples have you had today?..."

"Umm.... This is my third." Meliodas replied nervously.

"No way! You'll be sick!" Estarossa scolded.

"Nope. I was still hungry." Meliodas disagreed.

"But still-"

"Both of you shut up! And eat!" Zeldris butted in.

They all sat at the table and ate in relative silence. After breakfast, Liz rushed some homework. They left for school and they met up with Arthur once at school. "Heyyyyyy!" He said.

"Hey Arthur!" Liz exclaimed.


"Guess what I brought!" Meliodas said excitedly. "Catnip!" The other two looked at him blankly. "For Cath??"

"Oh. Thanks!" Arthur grinned. He took the bag off Meliodas. "Go crazy Cath, but stay in the bag." Cath purred happily.

Just then, Howser, Griamore and Gilthunder strutted over. "Hello Arthur. Liz." Howser said and they nodded.

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