Kill him!

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A/N-  This chapter contains swear words and a trigger warning. Please don't read it if it offends you. (Why do I love writing dark stuff like this?!? Why?!!?!?) You have been warned.

"Look at the little girl playing flower crowns!"

Meliodas froze mid laugh and turned around. Yup, Howser and Gilthunder were standing behind him, pointing at the simple daisy flower crown in his hands.

"What's wrong little girl, can't think of anything clever to say?"

Meliodas looked at them. "Excuse me?"

"I said, can't you think of anything clever to say?" Howser grinned. "As expected of a little girl."

"Girly girl! Girly girl!" Gilthunder teased.

Meliodas just simply questioned "What's your problem with me anyway?"


"I said, what's your problem with me anyway?" He repeated. "You pick on me on my first day at a new school for joining in with a game I wanted to play? Because I like dolls and flower crowns and playing with girls? Do you have an issue with people outside stereotypes or something?"

"So what if I do?" Howser stuck his chin up defiantly.

"It's wrong." Meliodas said plainly. His eyes took on a threatening glint. " And I'm not the sort of person you'd pick on, if I were you." He stood up.

"Who says I'm just picking on you? I'll just tease someone else then." Howser maliciously said and snatched Liz's crown, ripping it into shreds. "Stupid flower crowns, you're ten! Grow up already!"

"Hey!" Liz stood up defensively.

"Leave them out of it." Meliodas said.

"No." Howser argued. "What you going to do about it?"

"I said, leave them out of it." Meliodas repeated, ignoring his question.

"No." Gilthunder disagreed. "They need to leave you alone. Boys shouldn't play with dolls and have flower crowns. They're brainwashing you into being a girl. They're stupid. Especially Liz, she's behind it all." He pushed Liz and she fell, scraping her knees and cutting her cheek because of a stone.

Meliodas's eyes momentarily flashed between green and black angrily. "Excuse me, but what? Who in the hell do you think you are?!?"

"Your saviours." Howser grinned. Gilthunder and Griamore nodded.

"F**k you. I don't need saving. Leave now before I get too mad."

"What if I don't want to? I know you think I'm right. Give the act up all ready." Gilthunder spoke up.

"Do you know what I think?" Meliodas snarled. " I think you are a bunch of naïve, stupid, prejudiced ***holes that are jealous because I've talked to more girls on my first day than you will in your entire life."

"I think that the world would be a better place without people like you ruining everyone's day. Give it a rest! Can't you just leave everyone alone? So what if I'm different? What does that change?"

"Meliodas, you listen-" Gilthunder interrupted, annoyed.

"No, you listen." Meliodas spat back, his fists clenched. "How many people do you bully, huh? Is it just Liz and I? No, it isn't. I've seen how you three treat your classmates. As if they're lower than you, peasants. I've witnessed the way you insult everyone, call them fat or ugly or stupid or different, when that makes them unique, different in a good way. It makes me wonder if you actually have a conscience."

Meliodas was getting heated up, you could practically feel the anger radiating off of him. Liz and others stood in stunned silence as the three boys took the brunt of Meliodas's harshly spat words, reality hitting them like a ton of bricks.

"I hate people like you, always picking on everyone. Leave them the f**k alone. Did you know that you saying something as petty as 'You're so fat!' could push someone into suicide? I guess not."

"You mentally hurt people, just for fun without knowing them and what they've gone and/or going through. You have no idea how your words affect people. Yet you spew them out your mouth without a care. Why?" Meliodas yelled, tearing up.

"Well, I'll tell you this: I've had so much sh*t going on in my life, that you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares. I've been hurt the worst by people I'm supposed to trust most! I've been bullied to the point of almost suicide! I took it from them but I'm not going to take it from you."

Meliodas was crying full on now, tears dripping down his face like a river. But yet, he stood facing his bullies, confronting them, for the whole school.

"Have some humanity! Do you know how it feels to want to die so badly that you want to murder yourself?! No you don't! Before you push anyone else, before you push me, I'm begging you."

"Please, please, please stop it!!!"

With those final words, Meliodas turned and ran. He pushed past all the crowds and out the school gates. The crowds gaped as he ran away, no one spoke or moved.

Liz was the first to move. "Meli! Wait!" She yelled. She turned and glared at the three stunned and pale boys. "What the heck was that for?! Look what you did?!?! Stupid idiots!" Liz slapped them all in one quick motion and sprinted after Meliodas.

Meliodas heard Liz, but kept running and didn't turn back or slow down. He felt so stupid. Why did I have to crack? I'm so worthless, stupid. I can't believe I let it slip. Now everyone knows. I can't even look after myself. Now she'll hate me. Tears still flowed freely down his face.

The voice was back.

Little did Meliodas know, but Elizabeth Liones was on lunch duty and heard his entire outburst.

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