Found Them!

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Estarossa smiled sadly as he tucked Zeldris in, covering him with a blanket as he lay sleeping on the couch. But Estarossa's smile was more of a grimace.

They both had black bags under their eyes and looked absolutely shattered. Their hair was a mess and they had barely slept a an hour.

It had been a week and a half since Meliodas and Liz went missing. The police couldn't search for the two since they had a massive blizzard and the snow went over half way up people's doors, a metre and 10cm high. The snow only started melting two days ago.

Everyone in school sent a card saying that they hoped that the pair got found through Estarossa and Zeldris's door. The police apologised profusely everyday and were trying as hard as they could to keep searching.

Estarossa, even though he knew this, was mad that they couldn't do something, anything, else to try and find them. He was ashamed to say that he sort of gave up hoping that the news he desperately wanted to receive would be given when he answered the phone.

He sighed and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.

In the forest, in a badly made makeshift tent out of sticks underneath a fallen tree, sat Liz and Meliodas, huddling together for warmth; like penguins but failing because there's only two of them.

They had stayed there for quite a while, because of the snow. The snow blown up the side of the tent and tree made walls on either side of them and Meliodas had dug out an entrance and filled the inside with leaves he also dug up.

Everyday, Meliodas would go out to look for food, sometimes for hours, and he would always come back with something, even if it was just some nuts or a spinach tasting plant that helped with Liz's nausea. Liz was really thankful for it.

But, that morning at 4:23 when it was still pitch black Liz, who Meliodas knew was sick, and he hated that he couldn't cure it. She would get hot and cold flushes, she was really drowsy and sometimes she'd hyperventilate.

But this morning Liz coughed very badly. it was a lung wrenching cough that left her breathless. But the horrifying thing was when she started coughing up blood, bright, crimson red blood that painted the white snow and leaves underneath her.

"Liz!" Meliodas exclaimed, horrified.

She finished coughing and smiled at him weakly, before collapsing onto the leaves, as if all the energy was drained from her. "I-I'll b-be... Fine..."

Meliodas knew he had to get her to a hospital, and fast. At this point, the fact that he had the same symptoms and he had been fighting countless wolves and bears didn't even phase him. All he could think about was getting her to a hospital.

Meliodas took off his blazer, the only thing protecting his upper body from the weather, so the only thing he was wearing was his ripped trousers, and wrapped Liz up in it. She was barely awake, and looked at him drowsily, not registering anything that was going on.

Meliodas felt another coughing spasm coming on so he walked outside into the weather. It had started to snow again. Meliodas kneeled on the ground and hacked up blood, the coughing action tearing at his lungs and he just lay in the snow for a minute after the attack finished.

He got up eventually and grabbed Liz,  picking her up gently and holding her bridal style. Bracing himself, he stepped outside. The snow pelted against his face like hail, the chilly winds whipped at his body and the snow under his feet felt like ice.

Wincing at every step, he walked forwards aimelessly, chanting over and over "Must get Liz to hospital. Must get Liz to hospital."

Meanwhile the police and forest rangers kept scouring the forest for any sign of someone.

"Where are they?!?" Moira the police lady said to one of her co-workers, Danny. "How could two ten year olds survive out here?" She said grimly as the storm battered her body.

"I don't know." He replied. "Hope they do."

They searched for another hour until Danny spotted something moving. "Everyone! I think I see something! Be careful! Might be another bear or a wolf."

The thing approached them slowly. Danny's eyes widened when he saw the form of a small boy carrying something. "It's human!"

They raced towards it and stopped when they saw something that broke their hearts.

Meliodas, in only his ripped trousers, was stumbling forward. He had blood dripping from his mouth and he was muttering "Must get Liz to hospital." Over and over in between bouts of violent coughing and hacking where he vomitted up pure blood. Liz, wrapped up in his blazer as well as her own uniform, wasn't in much better shape than him, but with less blood and she was closing and opening her eyes drowsily, fighting to stay awake.

"Oh my god." Moira exclaimed in a horrified voice.

The medical team rushed forward and everyone sprung into action. "Hello sweetie, I'm here to take you to hospital." Lilian, a medical rescue lady said.

"Hos...pit...Al?" Meliodas drawled slowly, tilting his head slightly like a dog.

"That's right." Lilian coaxed. "A hospital. Can I have Liz?"

"Liz..." Meliodas drawled again and then he exclaimed "Hospital! Liz!" He handed Liz carefully over to Lilian who quickly wrapped Liz up into one of those crackly metal blankets.

As soon as Meliodas saw Liz was being taken care of, he swayed and promptly passed out, causing his aura which previously hid all his injuries disappeared. The medics gasped.

His right upper arm where he reattached it was puffy, swollen, crusty, full of pus and severely infected. He had lots of cuts, bruises and large gashes everywhere. His left leg stuck out at s funny angle and was definitely broken, and a particularly large open sound that was seeping pus and infected that ran from his mid back on the right hand side over his shoulder to his mid torso on the front.

"Oh dear lord. I need back up over here!" Lilian yelled.

Meanwhile, Estarossa heard the phone ring and it woke Zeldris up. Estarossa got up and answered it.


"Hi. Good news! We found Liz and Meliodas!"

"What? Really?!?!"

"Yes sir. The bad new is their both in critical condition in Liones Royal hospital. You are requested there ASAP."

"Will be there. Thank you so much!"

"Any time!" And they hung up.

Zeldris yawned. "What is it this time?"

"They found them! Meli and Liz! They're alive!" Estarossa exclaimed.

"That's nice- wait they found them?!?! Well let's go see them!" Zeldris yelled excitedly.

"Let me just get the car out the garage. They're in hospital right now." Estarossa grinned.

"I can't believe they found them." Zeldris repeated to himself softly.

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