the weekend

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"Thanks so much for looking after little Lizzie here." Mrs Danafor thanked Estarossa when they came to pick Liz up after work.

"No problem." Estarossa said. Meliodas was standing beside him and Liz was standing beside her mother. Meliodas had turned off his powers so he looked normal now.

"She wasn't any trouble, I hope." Mrs Danafor said.

"No trouble at all. Been a little angel the whole time." Estarossa smiled. "Even helped snap Meliodas here out of his mood."

"They have such foul tempers at that age, don't they?" Mrs Danafor sympathised. "What was it about this time?"

"Oh, some bullies on his first day teased him for playing with Liz and her friend got him mad. He said they took Liz's doll and wouldn't  give her it back so he fought for her. Bashed them up pretty good apparently according to that school." Estarossa replied and Meliodas blushed and looked down guiltily.

"So this is the boy that got suspended today?" Mrs Danafor assumed. "Got some anger issues?"

"Some." Estarossa shrugged. "Runs in the family."

"I see." She said. "Anything dangerous?"

"No, not really. He tends to keep them bottled up until he's alone and only gets really angry if it's someone else, if he's the victim it's not that bad." Estarossa replied.

"Okay, good to know." She said. "So are you the father or-"

"Oh no. I'm his brother." Estarossa cut her off.  "We moved in with our half brother because of some, shall we say, family issues."

"Ah, I see." Mrs Danafor said delicately. "Well, we better be off. Say goodbye Liz."

"Bye Meli!" Liz grinned broadly, hugging him. "See you tomorrow!" The adults had said that they would watch Liz when her parents were at work, at least until a babysitter was available.

"Yeah! Can't wait! Can we play dolls again tomorrow?" He asked, grinning just as wide, hugging her back.

"Dolls?" Mrs Danafor inquired curiously.

"Meliodas has, uh, some rather girlish things in his room." Estarossa said akwardly. "He takes after his mother and has a large collection of porcelain dolls in his room. He collects and plays with them."

"Oh, alright. Whatever makes them happy I suppose." She sighed.

"Yeah, it's creepy though, i hate going in his room to turn his light off when he goes to bed." Estarossa shudders. "Scary stuff, don't understand how people can handle it."

"Yes, yes. Well, I'm going to go, have a nice day. Come along Liz." Mrs Danafor called.

"Yes mother." Liz replied obediently. "Bye Meli!" They left.

"Okay." Estarossa turned to face Meliodas. "Do I get an apology from earlier?"

"Sorry Esse." Meliodas said guiltily.

"It's okay, I forgive you. Now run upstairs, brush your teeth and put your PJ's on." As Meliodas nodded and ran upstairs he yelled "And for god's sake, brush your hair!"

Estarossa walked into the living room and collapsed on the couch. The sins had left. He leaned back to nap on the couch when Zeldris came in and leaned against the doorframe. "What is it now!" Estarossa groaned.

"It's about Meliodas and Liz." Zeldris replied.

Estarossa sat up. "I'm listening."

"Well, when I was in their room Liz saw Meliodas with his powers activated."

"Wait what?!" Estarossa gasped.

"Yep. And that's not all. Turns out, Liz is a goddess."

"You're freakin kidding me, right?!" Estarossa gasped. "How? How on earth is that possible!?! I thought if they knew she'd kill him on the spot, or he to her!"

"Seems that the young ones have gone  along without discrimination, brother." Zeldris replied.

"Zeldris, is that first goddess you've met?" Estarossa asked curiously.

"No." Zeldris shuffled uncomfortably. "Actually, Elizabeth is one."

"So your telling me that my two brothers are no only on talking terms with goddesses, but friends?!" Estarossa asked.

"Well, she did try to kill me when she first saw me a few years ago." Zeldris said. "I almost killed her, until Miss Merlin put me in chains designed to hold demons and Elizabeth in a perfect cube."

Flashback #1

Zeldris was walking into class, daydreaming, until he bumped into someone. "Oh sorry," the voice said.

Zeldris looked up to see a girl with blue eyes and silver hair. He could sense her. "Goddess." He said with distain.

Her eyes widened. "You are a demon!" And she summoned her magic. She attacked him but Zeldris dodged it.

Sensing she wouldn't give up, he summoned his sword and attacked back.

After a long fight Miss Merlin put Elizabeth in "Perfect Cube" and Zeldris in some demon binding handcuffs.

After that, they acknowledged eachother and eventually became friends, they had a lot in common.

"At least people are starting to get over that stupid prejudice." Estarossa chuckled.

"Yeah." Zeldris replied.

"Anyway, I better go tuck Meli in for the night, be quiet will you." Estarossa asked and he left the room.

He climbed the stairs and walked into Meliodas's room. Meliodas was lying in his bed with his doll Marie. He was in PJ's and so was Marie. As soon as Estarossa came in he smiled and pulled up the covers.

"Night night, kiddo." Estarossa smiled. He ruffled Meliodas's hair and tucked him in the covers. Meliodas yawned.

He turned the big light off and the lamp on. When he was leaving he heard Meliodas mutter sleepily "Night Night Esse. Love you."

Walking downstairs, Estarossa wondered how that kid was a demon.

The next morning, Meliodas, rubbing his eyes and yawning, trudged down the stairs with his doll in hand.

Downstairs, Estarossa was reading the newspaper, Zeldris was playing video games and Liz was sitting at the table eating some Golden Nuggets cereal happily.

"Morning Esse, Zel. Hey Liz." Meliodas said sleepily. "Wait... Liz!!!" He shrieked.

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