Too Late

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A/N- Above is what he wears but without the gloves and the blue is gold and the black is red.

All throughout the day, the words Miss Merlin spoke echoed around in her head. Depressed? Suicidal? Those words didn't seem to fit the Meliodas she knew. Liz knew he had changed, but as for how much, she couldn't be sure.

"-Liz, Liz, Liz!" Mr Escanor snapped.

Liz broke out of her trance. "Oh, hmm?"

"Come up and write the solution to this math problem on the board." Mr Escanor held out the chalk for her to take. She stood up and walked to the board. Liz quickly wrote the answer on the board and sat down.

"Meliodas, Meliodas!" Mr Escanor snapped impatiently. "It would do kindly if you would pay attention in my class! You need to learn this stuff!"

"But I already know how to do Math!" Meliodas protested, taking out his earphones.

"Oh really? Then solve this." Mr Escanor wrote a very complicated sum on the board that made Liz's eyes hurt looking at it.

"Fine." Meliodas took the chalk off the teacher and proceeded to solve it in about a minute. He gave the teacher, who had a shocked expression, back the chalk and sat down. He plugged in his earphones and went back to playing music on his phone.

"I see." Mr Escanor swallowed visibly. "Well, let's get back to the lesson, shall we? Now, when you do this sum, you multiply the X by the amount in the bracket..."

Class seemed to speed by, to Meliodas. Suddenly, it was time for PE.

As Meliodas walked with the class to the changing rooms, he headed to the teacher. "Mr Escanor?"

"Yes, Meliodas?"

"Um, do I have to do PE?"

"Yes. This is the battle block of your PE. You must participate."

"But what if I accidentally kill someone-"

"That's why Miss Merlin is supervising."

"Oh, okay..."

Meliodas made his way to the changing rooms. Before he went in, Miss Merlin stopped the whole class. "Everyone, we know what you are most comfortable fighting in so we have put clothes in your lockers. Please wear that. If it doesn't fit or anything like that, please tell us."

Miss Merlin muttered under her breath to him on the way in "Yours is that red and gold thing from your closet."

"When were you in my room!?!"

"Doesn't matter. But you'll like it."

Meliodas shook his head and went to his locker. He grabbed the clothes and got changed. It was black legging-things, black boots and a long red top that had gold trimmings and was longer at the back, giving it a caped affect.

"Really, Merlin? You might as well write 'demon prince' on my forehead." He chuckled lightly. Meliodas debated whether or not to activate his powers now or wait until the fight. "You know what, screw it. Let's go full out on this look."

The familiar black markings formed a large spiral on the middle of his forehead and his eyes turned black. He chuckled chillingly, smirked and exited the changing rooms.

It was clear most people watched him.  There was both classes in his year there. Some watched him discreetly and others stared openly. He went to sit down on the bench with the others and they all moved away.

Liz, dressed in some black leggings and a blue flowy top with black flats, came and sat on one side of him. Arthur, in black jeans and a gold top with the Camelot Academy crest on it and some trainers, took that queue and sat at his other side.

"So, Arthur, you rich or something?" Meliodas smirked, pointing to his top.

"I guess."

"You guess?! Your the heir to the Camelot family!" Liz exclaimed.

"Really? That's cool, I guess." Meliodas  chuckled. "What's with this battle thing? It's very... Intense."

"Oh!" Liz smiled. "I forgot you haven't done his yet! It's basically like a formal battle championship, like on TV. Except, with, you know, normal kids. They do the rank announcing and stuff. And the winner gets a month's free pass to the amusement park." She explained.

"Everyone takes it super serious." Arthur commented. "Like, you don't want to go out without a fight. And everyone gets tense and fights break out over this. "

"Sounds like fun." Meliodas smirked.

"Yup!" Liz beamed. "Well-"

"Attention everyone!" Mr Escanor was standing on a raised platform, beside Sir Helbram and Miss Merlin. "The games will begin in a moment. I- I mean Miss Merlin, would like to state some things."

"Thank you." Miss Merlin smirked. "Now, the way this game works is that you fight in your category. So humans Vs Humans, Holy Knights Vs Holy Knights, fairies Vs fairies, giants Vs giants and finally, demon Vs goddess or demon Vs demon and goddess Vs goddess."

"Now the rules: No death. I and Sir Helbram will try to prevent this as much as possible, but we can only do so much. You can support people. Use of one weapon is permitted. Help from the audience is forbidden. Please, no fighting when not in the arena area. And finally, our judgement is final."

"Now, let's begin. The first battles are Milly Roberts Vs Darren Thompson and Gordon Jones Vs Hanna Morris. No titles. Human." Estarossa announced and they began walking to the two battle arenas.

The fights started and people cheered and clapped. Meliodas noticed Zeldris's class was there. "Hey Liz, why is Zel's class here?"

"Oh, because Miss Merlin is their teacher they get to watch." She replied.

"-Hanna Morris wins!" And a few minutes later "Darren Thompson wins!"

Eventually, all the human battles were finished and the fairy and giants too.

"Now, Howser Tornado Vs Holy Knight Grand Master's son Griamore Shield! Both Holy knights!"

Howser and Griamore walked in the arena. "I'm going to kick your butt." Howser grinned.

"Oh really?"


Howser lunged at him with a tornado hand, which Griamore repelled with his forcefield thing. The fight consisted of Howser pounding on Griamore's forcefield until it broke. Howser saw the split second before it rebuilt itself and dashed to Griamore. He punched him and sent him flying against a wall. Griamore then was pronounced unable to fight, being unconscious and all.

"And Howser Tornado wins!" Howser basked in the cheers.

As he walked past to his seat he said to Meliodas "Beat that, girly gi-" he stopped short when he saw the demon mark on Meliodas's forehead. Howser practically ran away.

Half an hour later, all the Holy Knight battles were finished. Arthur fought Gilthunder and won, but only barely. Arthur got lucky with a punch to Gilthunder's head, knocking him unconscious.

"We're very lucky today, everyone!" Mr Escanor spoke to the crowds once he had their attention. "For we will finish with what surely will be the best fight yet!"

Crowds muttered.

"Up next, we have the Goddess Liz Danafor Vs Demon Prince Meliodas!"

Crowds whispered. Meliodas and Liz stood up and walked to the arena.

They got into a fighting stance. Liz's wings appeared on her back, large and white. The Goddess symbols appeared on her eyes.

Meliodas summoned his massive sword. "Can I use this?!" He yelled to Miss Merlin. She nodded.

He leaned against his sword, smirking. "Nice wings, Lizzie."

"Thanks- oh shut up. We're supposed to be fighting, you know." Liz said, frustrated.

"This is dangerous. I mean, our instincts tell us to kill eachother." Meliodas's chilling smirk grew wider. "I won't hold back, you know."

"I know." Liz smiled evilly. "Neither will I."

"-And fight!"

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