Chapter Three ~ Want To Be Friends?

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Chapter Three

Want To be Friends?

            A cold breeze blew through Adalyn’s open window where she sat on the sill, one leg dangling out. Her short dark hair was in a messy bun, and her thoughts were the same; she couldn’t stop thinking of the green eyed boy, Harry, who she’d spent hours trying to hear through the thin walls. She smirked; the kid was awkward, but it suited him in a way it couldn’t most fifteen year olds. He was…unique.

“Adalyn?” a nervous voice called, knocking on the door.

“Come in,” she said, not turning around to see who it was.

“Hi, Adalyn, it’s Hermione.” The sound of her bedsprings squeaking told Adalyn Hermione had sat down on the bed. “Ron, Harry, Ginny, the twins and I are going shopping in Diagon Alley; would you like to come?”

Grimmauld Place was a dark place, and Adalyn had never been good at being cooped up for to long, so a shopping trip seemed like a good idea. “Sure, I’ll be down in a minuet.” When Hermione left, Adalyn closed her window and ran a brush through her hair and pulled on her dark jacket over the dark purple tank top she’d been wearing; the cold had blown across her pale skin, leaving no trace of the chill.

Tucking the moleskin pouch her grandfather had given her years ago in her back pocket, Adalyn locked the bedroom door (she had almost all her possessions in that room, she wasn’t just going to leave it open) and treaded quietly down the stairs and into the basement, were Mrs. Weasley was stirring a large pot with an even larger spoon while the Weasley children, Harry and Hermione were arguing with her.

“Mum, we’ll be perfectly safe.” Said Ron “We’re not babies!”

“Yes, you are.” Molly said, scrubbing a huge pot with vigilance “You will always be babies in my eyes Ronald.”

“And mine,” Adalyn joked, letting her presence known in the long kitchen “The twins and I can call you babies, Ronald; you’ll always be little Ronniekins to us!”

“You know,” grinned Fred.

“I think we’re going to be very good friends.” Finished George.

Ron blushed red as Hermione grew flustered “We’ll be fine Mrs. Weasley; Hagrid will be accompanying us at all times.”

“Who’s Hagrid?” she asked, looking around the kitchen; it was empty except for the seven teens and Mrs. Weasley.

“The groundskeeper at Hogwarts,” Harry spoke up for the first time “He’s half giant and a member of the Order.”

“The what?”

“Nothing dear,” Molly intervened, sighing “Adalyn, are you going as well?”

“Yes; I have a bit of shopping to do.”

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