Chapter Nineteen ~ An Old Friend

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Chapter Nineteen

An Old Friend


            Flurries fell from the sky, catching in Adalyn’s dark curls as she and George climbed the hill behind the Burrow, gloved hands tightly clasped. The apparating point was just coming up, and they were still safe inside the enchantments, but George still worried.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” he asked for the umpteenth time “I haven’t seen Bill in a while, and I don’t think Fleur really even likes jumpers-at least not Mum’s- and –”

Adalyn shut him up with a kiss. “Oh shut up, you.” She smiled up at him, unable to suppress the joy surging through her. It had only been two weeks since that night in front of the fire, but things had…fallen into place, in the way only George could make them do. For once, Adalyn didn’t feel the darkness beneath the surface, didn’t want to run away-didn’t feel completely, utterly alone.

“I know, I know.” He grinned and pulled her in for another kiss.

“Oi, she’ll never be back in time for supper if you don’t let her go!” Fred called to them, panting from his trek up the hill.

Giggling (something she rarely did) Adalyn pecked Fred on the cheek and stepped just outside the bounds “I love you guys, and I’ll be back for supper. I promise.”

And she turned on the spot, leaving the twins standing together in the snow. Fred looked at his twin, surprised to see him looking even more worried than usual. “She’ll be fine mate, she promised to be home for supper. Don’t worry!”

As they walked back down the hill, George turned back to the spot were Adalyn had apparated “That’s why I’m worried. Every time she promises…she never comes back.”

            Adalyn was hit with a fierce icy wind the minuet she was on solid ground. Turning around, Adalyn saw the sea crashing against the frozen beach; behind her she knew Shell Cottage would be covered in snow, warm and welcoming. Turning her back on the sea, she saw Bill Weasley standing in the doorway, Fleur by his side.

“Adalyn Black!” he cried, grinning as he hugged her “Since when do honorary sisters disappear for four months?”

Glowing at the thought of being an honorary Weasley child, Adalyn just beamed at them and shrugged “I had stuff to do.”

“Zat iz no excuzee.” Sniffed Fleur, also giving Adalyn a hug “But zwe welzome zou anyzway.”

“Hey, Bill, whose at the-Ada?!” the startled face of Ron Weasley came into view as he popped up behind his brother and sister-in-law, freckled face paling.

Ron?!” cried Adalyn, pushing past Bill and Fleur to hug the boy-or, man now. Seventeen. “What the bloody hell are you doing here?! Where…where…is Harry…?” Adalyn’s already startlingly pale face seemed to go even whiter, like the surface of the frozen waters outside.

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