Chapter Twenty-Two ~ The End At Last

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The End At Last

            The world was spinning, much like it had when Sirius had fallen through the veil two years ago, but now…now the world was on fire along with it. Screams filled the air, and Adalyn thought she saw giant spiders crawling through the hole in the castle wall.

She couldn’t feel the cold air through the rips in her jacket and tights, or her short dress blowing against her legs and the vibrations shuddering through the castle. She couldn’t hear the screams and yells of people fighting, or the pleading arguments of someone trying to get people away. She could hear nothing, feel nothing.

All that existed was George, sobbing beside her, begging her to get up. His hands were firm on her shoulders, and somehow he pulled her into his arms, bridal style. Her head was pounding, and blood stained her clothes. George was shielding her with his body, whispering in her ear as he ran.

Come on Ada” his voice was heavy, hard to hear, as if they were standing in a thick fog. “Don’t go love, just hold on…just a little longer…please don’t go Adalyn…

Memories flashed past her eyes as they began to slowly flutter closed, some fuzzy, some so clear it was as of she were right there. She longed to just let the memories envelope her, cradle her carefully and let the pain just melt away…

…Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the Wizarding World has recently lost one of its most prized members…


“I will not ask again, who are you?” Sirius Black took in the stranger on his doorstep, wand still out.


“I,” she said “Am Adalyn Black.”


“There is no such person.” Said Sirius, his heart dropping in his chest as he looked closer at the girl.


“Oh but here is, father.” Adalyn smiled as her father’s wand hand dropped to his side, face blank and pale…

“I miss them;” Harry whispered “I miss not knowing them, not knowing what it’s like to be normal.”


“You’re not normal Harry,” sighed Adalyn, stepping closer and brushing her fingers across his scar gently “But neither am I.” looking him in the eye, Adalyn started to lean in, gently pressing her lips to Harry’s…


They were the only pair was still battling, apparently unaware of the new arrival. Adalyn saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light: he was laughing at her.


'Come on, you can do better than that!' he yelled, his voice echoing around the cavernous room.


The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest.


The laughter had not quite died from his face, but his eyes widened in shock.


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