Chapter Six ~ Different Shades of Black

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Chapter Six

Different Shades of Black

            The halls of Hogwarts were empty except for the rare student, walking to or from the library, to the common room or, in Adalyn’s case, going to a DA meeting. Harry had sent her a letter the other day asking if she could come in and help him with his class, teach them anything that could help them. Adalyn had accepted immediately, but now, standing outside the room of requirement, she wasn’t so sure…anyone could recognise her, especially if they knew exactly what Sirius Black looked like. For once, she hated her dark hair, pale skin and silvery-blue eyes; along with the rugged beauty of the house of Black, she was a dead give away.

Taking her wand, Adalyn mutter the spell that would slowly change her appearance a little and took a deep breathe before walking past the wall three times.


            “Come on Harry, what’s the surprise?” members of the DA continued to ask as the minuets ticked away on the clock, making Harry more and more nervous; Adalyn should have come by now-what if something had happened, she’d been caught or killed or…shaking his head, Harry smiled at the DA and told them to just hold on for a few more minuets.

The sound of the door opening distracted Harry, he turned around and nearly dropped his wand; instead of Adalyn, there was a girl who closely resembled her, but with long, blonde hair and bright green eyes. She stuck her hip out and crossed her arms, tossing her long blonde main over one shoulder “So,” she said “When do we start?”


“Yup, here I am.” Adalyn winked at Harry as the room fell silent “Hey everyone, I’m Ada Blanche, nice to meet you.”

“What are you doing here?” said Ginny “Ada-”

“That’s my name,” she grinned “Now; I’m here to help, aren’t I?”

“Erm –yes- everyone, this is Ada, a member of the Order.” Said Harry, walking up beside Adalyn “Ada, this is the DA.”

“Okay, everyone, line up in front of me. If you’re short like me, stand in the front.” Most people laughed and lined up. Harry stood off to the side, watching Adalyn teach the DA the basics of casting a Patronus; everyone called him a great teacher, but Adalyn had learned from Dumbledore. She was patient and thorough, giving confidence and assurance.

“…Think of something happy, something that makes you feel safe. Think of your parents, or that person that makes your heart jump and beat fast. Think of any memory where you were perfectly happy, blissful.” Catching Harry’s eyes, Adalyn winked and turned back to Ron, who was having trouble thinking of something happy.

“I can’t do it Ada,” he sighed “I’m just not that good at magic, especially stuff like this.”

“Nonsense,” she scolded “Listen Ron, what makes you happy, who makes you happy?”

Ron shrugged, but his eyes drifted across the room towards Hermione, who was laughing as a silver otter played around her. His eyes were sad as he watched her, and the look of longing made Adalyn’s heart ache for him.

“Oh,” she said, nodding “Okay Ron, think of-think of the first time you realized you…felt like that towards Hermione, okay? Think of her laugh, her smile. Think of everything that you love about her.”

Ron nodded and screwed up his face, closed his eyes and thought really hard. He thought about how she sighed whenever he did something stupid, or laughed when he told a joke. How she smiled at him, or how her hand shot up into the air when she knew the answer-how she always knew the answer.

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