Chapter Four ~ Just Harry

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Chapter Four

Just Harry

            Kings Cross station was practically overflowing with parents seeing their children off, and as usual the Weasley’s were gathered all together-but this time, Adalyn was with them.

“You know,” Fred said “I bet Dumbledore would let you in; you’re smart enough.”

“Yeah!” grinning George put an arm around her shoulder “And I bet you’d be in Gryffindor!”

Adalyn laughed “I would love to go guys, but the thing is…I’ve already graduated.”

What?” chorused the twins, staring at her wide eyed.

She shrugged “I graduated at fourteen; I was home schooled, remember? I flew through it all and began to study whatever I wanted.”

“Geez,” Fred blew out a long puff of air “Don’t tell Mum, she’ll expect way too much of us.”

“Boys, come on! The train is about to leave, and I am not spending six more month with you two cooped up in the house!” Molly yelled over the noise, waving her arms around so the rainbow sleeves of her dress flapped like wings.

The twins sighed “Well Adalyn, we’ll see you later. Owl us, kay? Let us know how Mum’s doing.”

“I will,” leaning against the brick wall, Adalyn was almost sad to see the twins leave; she’d mostly spent the winter break with them, joking and making things blow up. Her days had been spent with the twins, nights talking for hours with Sirius or reading in the library. The entire time she’d silently observed Harry Potter, quietly wondering about him-there was a desire in her to know more, a thirst for the secrets the young boy was hiding.

“And Adalyn, don’t tell Mum our plans!” George said, leaning out the window and grinning broadly.

“Yeah,” Agreed Fred “Don’t want to spoil the surprise!”

“I wont,” she promised, then yelled after them “And guys?”

“Yeah?” the boys chorused, still smiling goofily.

“You can call me Ada.”

The boys were silent, then high-fived each other and yelled together “BYE ADA!”

Leaning back against the wall, Adalyn felt warmth in her heart that she was pretty sure was joy.

            The world looked better upside down. Less confusing-at least, that’s what Adalyn thought until a tall wizard in dark blue robes obscured her vision. Frowning, Adalyn set her gaze higher to see the kind eyes of Albus Dumbledore twinkling amusingly at her.

“Albus!” she cried, swinging her legs off the back of the couch and onto the ground so she could stand up and embrace the old man; not growing up with a father figure in her life had effected Adalyn in many ways, but Albus Dumbledore had always made her feel good inside, as if she was worth something. He taught her everything he knew, and spent many summers helping her learn whatever she pleased.

“It’s nice to see you to Adalyn,” the professor chuckled “I’m happy to see you are settling in alright.”

She shrugged and blew a curl out of her eyes “I suppose…but why are you here Albus? Not for me, surely.”

Shaking his head, Albus Dumbledore sighed “I am here for you child, I have a favour to ask of you, Adalyn.”

“Anything,” she said immediately, still eager to please her teacher. The worry in her professor’s eyes made Adalyn nervous, and she would do whatever it took to make it go away.

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