Chapter Sixteen ~ Stay

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Chapter Sixteen


            Dappled sunlight poured through the window and onto Adalyn, since her cot was just below it, warming her in a delightful way. This was ruined however, for something was poking Adalyn in the side. It was not a pleasant way to wake up, and in protest Adalyn swung her fist at whatever or whoever was poking her-hard.

“Ouch!” said someone as she heard a hard thud, as if they had fallen to the floor. “Ada!”

“Sorry George,” she mumbled, eyes still closed “You should know better.”

“Doesn’t mean you had to hit me!” he cried, but when Adalyn opened her eyes she saw he was grinning-and very, very close. His brown eyes were inches away from Adalyn’s silvery grey ones, and before Adalyn could move away, she seemed to be moving closer- closer and closer and before she knew it her lips brushed his.

George reacted immediately, one hand holding her face ever so gently, the other resting on her waist. Adalyn knotted her fingers in his auburn hair, resting the other hand on his shoulder; she had no idea what she was doing, just that whatever it was felt wonderful.


Somehow, the moved to a sitting position, Adalyn sitting upright on the cot, legs stretched out, George sitting on the edge. Soon both of Adalyn’s hands were tangled in George’s hair, and George’s hands…well lets just say they were adventurous beneath the large button down shirt Adalyn had borrowed from one of the twins. The kiss deepened, and neither wanted it to end –George’s insides were on fire, his brain on overdrive- and it felt so good, so right-it would be so easy to just do this forever, sit in the sunlight and kiss each other until the end of the world.

Fortunately, the end of the world didn’t come, but the end of their kiss did. A sharp knock came at the door, and seconds later Mrs. Weasley burst in. Lucky for Adalyn and George, they jumped apart just in time. Mrs. Weasley could feel that something had happened, but couldn’t pin pint what exactly: she looked between the two for a moment, eyes narrowed, before laying a blue dress down on one of the other beds.

“Here’s your dress, Adalyn. You have a good hour to get ready. George,” she set her eyes on her son, both worried and suspicious “All the men are getting ready in Bill and Charlie’s room.”

“Right,” standing up, George glanced at Adalyn once, his gaze lingering for a few moments before leaving the room.

Mrs. Weasley continued to stare at Adalyn for a few moments before nodding her head slightly “Be down soon dear, all right?”

Nodding, Adalyn waited until after Mrs. Weasley had left before falling back on the bed and letting out a deep sigh. She was in trouble now, that’s for sure. What the bloody hell had she been thinking?

I wasn’t,’ she thought, bringing her fingers to her lips ‘I didn’t think, because it was automatic. I just did it, because it felt so…right. Perfect.’ Shaking her head, she got up and looked out the window were the men were raising the tent. George looked up and caught her eye, their eyes holding before Mr. Weasley shouted at him to pay attention.

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