Chapter Seven ~ Loving & Losing

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Chapter Seven

Loving & Losing

            It was a hot, June evening, only a slight breeze stirring the humid air. Adalyn lay on her back in the backyard, Sirius beside her. Together, they pointed out the stars-Sirius knew them all, and Adalyn suddenly wished to know them, too.

“You know,” said Sirius, chuckling lightly, silvery-grey eyes trailing the stars “I used to sit out with Lucy the summer before seventh year, doing the same I’m doing with you-except with frequent snog breaks.”

“Oh, gross!” she cried, but laughed all the same “Mum used to take me out at night and show me the stars, but she…she never told me you taught her.”

Sirius’s face was the image of heart break as he continued to gaze at the sky “I guess she never told you that it was James and I who taught her how to play chess, or that it was Lily who first pushed us together.”

“No,” whispered Adalyn “But she did tell me why she named me Sitara.”

“Sitara,” sighed Sirius, shaking his head as well as he could while lying in the grass “She named you Sitara? As in star? I always told her I loved that name…”

“For my second name,” she nodded “She told me that it was your favourite name.”

Sirius took his daughters hand and kissed her pale fingers, then the pearl ring on her hand “She never forgot me, did she Adalyn?”

“No,” Adalyn turned her head towards her father and smiled “She never forgot.”

            Laughter could be heard from the basement of 12 Gimmauld place, for June was nearly over and soon Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny would be home for the holidays-that, and nothing had yet gone wrong. Molly had spent the day cooking, Adalyn trying desperately to help, though not succeeding much. A few of the members of the Order had come round for supper, which made a nice change for Adalyn and Sirius, who were dying for someone to talk to.

In the corner, Remus and Tonks were talking animatedly about some book they had read, while Kingsley and Mad Eye Moody were discussing something complicated and boring that Adalyn wasn’t interested in. Instead of interrupting Remus and Tonks, or ruin dinner by helping Molly, she decided to just abuse the flowers Molly had bought on her hurried, weekly outings. Twirling her wand, Adalyn made the flowers entwine and grow thicker and taller so they climbed high, then bent over so it created a kind of umbrella effect. She then bewitched the flowers become like mirrors, or show images of pictures in Adalyn’s head, like the photos she had received for Christmas, or some others Molly or Sirius had shown her. Some petals had her mother’s face smiling on them, others had Sirius’s or Arthur’s or Remus’s.

“Adalyn!” scolded Molly, rushing over and staring up at the flowers, having a difficult time trying not to smile as she glanced at the petals, one specifically of all her children, smiling and waving out at her “I swear, you are your father’s child!”

“Though much artier,” Sirius let out his bark like laugh “Never in a million years would I do something like that, Molly!”

“He’d much more likely set them on fire,” agreed Remus, trying very hard to keep a straight face as Adalyn just grinned across the room at her father.

“Well then, let’s eat or everything will go col-” Molly’s announcement of dinner was cut off by a loud pop! as Albus Dumbledore appeared, grim faced and frowning. “Albus!” cried Molly “You should have sent an owl I would have set a place.”

“No, no Molly, it’s quiet alright.” Dumbledore said, his bright blue eyes lacking their usual twinkle “I’m afraid I can’t stay long, and neither can the rest of you.”

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